I just realized I am in a rant and rave mood. I am looking forward to a weekend that will include my moving for the third time in less than two years! Do not look forward to it. But...I am moving back with Joe. We were suppose to be married last Monday, eloping in Tenn., but the situation with my Dad postponed that adventure to a later date.
But, I still had given my land lord notice, so I must be gone. And I hate, dread, grit my teeth about the move! Yikes.
I also am dragging my heels about being "in the market" for my job. I envy those people who sleep past 5:15 am. I envy those who can rise on thier own pleasure early to take an early morning run before work. I need to be out by 7am. Usually in the office at 7am. Last week, I ran almost every day. I logged in over 30 miles last week. My mile is getting down to the under 10 minute mark. I love that. In my age group, I might start picking up 3rd place! The next run is Oct. 11 in a little town called Midway. Should be a flat course.
It is the first run for this event, and I hope it attracts a lot of people. The Chicago Marathon is that week-end, so we will see.
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