After wondering yesterday why I'm doing this, I realized morning that it is really about taking one step backwards and veiwing things as a bystander. That instead of this being a diary, it is more or a chronicle of what I want/would like the world to know about me. And maybe thats putting parameters around my musings. I read some of the young kids journals and they are so unresticted and alive with emotion and electricity. Its so refreshing to remember that feeling of great expectation of this life, of what was possible.
I was a happy child! Ha. Actually, despite the fact I had my front tooth knocked out at 12, and that I went through grammer school in a class of 12 in a typical two room school house (Catholic school in small town south early 60's) with one of the most manipulative creatures ever to walk the face of the earth (wow, that deserves some serious though), I turned out unscathed to a certain degree. (more serious thought).
So, I'm not going to worry, as all us southerners obsess about, what others think. I'm not going to worry about anyone seeing this that I know. (note to self: change names of guilty).
Its Saturday. I have lots to do. bye.
You visited my journal...wanted to say "thanks." I think I'm not really writing my web journal differently than I've ever written in my several million journals I've had since high school. Maybe a little more consicely, since we only get 2500 words. I'm not an aspiring writer, like some of these young journal junkies. Just putting my stuff out there to see if anyone can connect with it. Thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger!
I discovered your journal way back when...
I may not comment a lot, but I visit often. keep writing! everyone has something to contribute. whether it's read by another or not, it's seen by the eyes of the most important: YOU. ~peace~
succulent blogging wisdom...
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