My parents. I love them. When I was younger I was always angry at them. Angry that they were from New York City and we were living in a small town in Kentucky where everyone was at least three generation deep. Angry that we did not have a tv until I was about seven. Then we were only allowed to watch one show per night and we had to agree democratic style. Angry I had three brothers to vote against! I never won. Angry with them that they made me go to Catholic schools thru secondary school, denying me the opportunity to attend high school with my friends, but sending me to school in another city where I knew no one! I was angry that I would ask Mom how to spell a word, and she would say, "Look it up in the dictionary." I was angry that they dragged us to Mass every Sunday morning as a family. I was mortified that my Dad was the swimming team coach. Mortified that my Mom would substitute teach at the grammer school when one of the classes put a Nun in the nuthouse....
This is the childhood they forced on me. They sacrificed for us kids. They guided us kids. They enforced their values on us.
When I finally stopped thinking like a child I understood the gift they had given me, my brothers and sisters. It is a debt that can never be repaid, only passed on.
That is what I give thanks for everyday.
Awesome entry...Jae
What a wonderful entry! You were truly blessed. : )
You know you're "mature" when you realize your parents didn't wake up every morning trying to think up ways to screw up your life. For all that you were brought up in a totally different part of the country from me, we could BE from the same family. God bless you, Mar...and Happy Thanksgiving. :-]
What an entry ... you honestly moved me ~ a tear in my eye here. Yep, it's with maturity we finally truly appriciate our parents efforts.
Smilin Mon
This entry was very touching, but the title made me LOL. Twice.
That's why there's a link from my journal to yours. Happy Thanksgiving.
"When I finally stopped thinking like a child I understood the gift they had given..." That's a moment I return to over and over again. Deep. great entry alphawoman! ~peace~
Great entry... it's funny how we don't really appreciate our parents until we're older.
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