I sat for a long time last night trying to create a journal entry. I ended up deleting it. It just was uninspired and quite frankly boring.
When did my life become lacking in drama? There is a lull in the industry that I claim to work in. Things should begin to pick back up in spring. My personal life is calm, like the surface of a tranquil lake. The lines in my face from stress and the everyday demands life makes on me are relaxed and softened. What is up?
Could it be that the daily upheavels coupled with all the drama that my daughter presented to me each and everyday of our lives since she turned a teenager are actually over? The years have been rocky ever since she entered Middle School. I lost my influence and grip on her. I was replaced by a bunch of thugs whom she considered to be her best friends. I lost her for many years, yet I was always the one to pick up the pieces, to rescue her, and what I finally realized was enabling her.
All that changed miraculously when she met her boyfriend S. A man came to my rescue!!!! How I hate to say that, but it is the truth. Love can change the world. He has been a blessing. He has dramatically changed her life and turned it around, and subsequently mine.
No longer do I deal with wrecked cars, the inside of court rooms and judges, paying bail, and crying at the funerals of "children" I loved. Those kids who were not equipped to make the right choices in regards to drugs, alcohol and vehicles. "Children" who were overwhelmed with struggles that demand coping skills people twice their ages lack.
Enjoying my life calm and boring ? I answered my own question.
Isn't it nice to have one of those days to sit back a reflect on troubled times and thankful they are in the past? Enjoyed your journal, and look forward to hearing about your cruise. Lanny
Sometimes having nothing going on is the best thing in the world. I'm glad your troubles are over with your daughter. I have one in middle school right now and it is indeed a precarious time.
Your cruise is coming at the right time. It's time to focus on Mary!
Hey, alphawoman! I lead a VERY boring life. My hubby tells me all the time that I'm one Z away from Snoozedom. And that's just the way I like it. :-)
And I've done the uninspired entry deletion before, too. Oh, yeah.
Is this my first time here?! I think it is. I've seen your screen name everywhere, though. Hi!
Oh how I enjoy the days when I have nothing better to do than sit and read a good book. Of course, I can't remember the last time I had one of those days...having a toddler is enough work for 20 people!
It sounds like you've been through some very difficult times with your daughter. I'm so glad that they are behind you. I have 13 and 16 year old girls. No substantial problems yet - but the older one has REALLY got a mouth on her.
Mary, I know the feeling of enabling and having to let go. I did it several years ago and it was the best thng I did because she turned her own life around john
When you really miss the wrecked cars, court rooms, judges, bail, drugs, and alcohol, I could loan you up to three of mine.
Sounds like some life you had with your daughter! I guess mine was a piece of cake!!! She's EXTREMELY shy and conservative.
Glad you didn't delete this entry. Very nice. Calm and boring is good too. Heh, I believe you are going on a cruise in a few days. Can't be all that boring. Woohoo!!!
your life isn't boring, but i know what you mean. went through the same kinds of feeling when my daughter went through those (rough years). and like you say...love came around and changed the face of everything. Isn't love grand?
i really like your journal. will always come back to keep up with it. have a fantastic day..and its nice to know your stress level is headed downward for a change. mine isn't yet...but will be. Barbpinion
I wanted to drop by and wave hello back. I don't have kids of my own, but I have the feeling that even if your daughter didn't have this man in her life, she would eventually find her way back to herself and to you. I've heard kids go through their phases, some linger longer than others, but in the end they always find their way home. Nice place you have here. =D
I have to say, this is probably one of your best and certainly most poignant entries. I like you journal to extremes and you just as much! ::SMILE:: :)
I'm so glad that she has found her way, even if it did have to be a man who came to your rescue...lol...Thanks for stopping by my journal, and for your comment.
Let's see: university classes, triathlons, master gardening workshops, a well-adjusted daughter...doesn't sound boring to me! I'm looking forward to hearing about how you train for the 10K & mini-marathon. And I DEFINITELY want to be around for that 'Slither'!.... : )
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