I am not one to stick to resolutions. Though, for lent once I decided to give up all sweets (candy, cupcakes, cookies) and I did it. That was a miracle!
I have compiled a long list of things I would like to accomplish this year. Next step is to figure out an action plan to acheive them!
Number one is to take a class at the University of Kentucky's sister school, Lex. Community College. I want to take a computer class to learn things like web design.
I want to finish the triple crown of running again, which means I have to start training very soon. (good for loosing the weight I have piled on the past several months).
There is a triathlon at Disney World my sister Kit and I participated in and I would like to do it again in May. (no aligators in the lagoon...know this first hand, Kit and I both were concerned about this before hand. My friend Debbie promiced to stand by with raw chicken just in case)
I want to take the master gardener class and then parlay that into some type of community garden, this year or next. I think this may be the answer to my wanting to find a way to give back.
I want to take a bible study class . I did one several years ago and was blown away at my lack of knowledge and familiarity with the Bible. I guess that is my Catholicism showing.
Have idea for small business that may or may not work. Need to get marketing plan together for feasibility.
That should keep me busy through February. HA!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happ New Year and don't forget the rest of the year after Feb. and don't let the gaters get ya! Lanny
Well...I don't know. I'm thinking that with the small business thing, it may actually take you until March. lol I hope you accomplish all you set out to do this year. You sound like a very intersting person, Alphawoman!
Happy 2004!
bridgett ~ My Life With A Toddler
That's some list of accomplishments you would like to do. I wish you all the best in doing so. Happy New Year,
"That should keep me busy through February. HA!" Ambitious! :) Great list Mary! Lots of substance. Wishing you well. Happy New Year! xo
Happy New Year Mary!!!!
My mind has been pondering your last entry all day, well most of the day, when I was awake. And, here you are making me feel all intimidated by what you will accomplish this year. You go girl!!! I will struggle somewhere behind you.
What a hoot!!!
Sounds like you somehow have more than 24 hours in a day! Good luck meeting all your goals. I'm especially interested in your comment on starting to train for running. I walk A LOT - but can't seem to make the leap into running consistently. Any suggestions?
wow .. i love the idea of the community garden !! too bad you live all the way out there cause i'd love to help you with something like that !! i'd be in charge of the weeds though .. cause everything i touch dies hehe
good luck with all your resolutions !!
All those sound like wonderful endeavors. I hope you realize ALL your dreams!
you have a very interesting year ahead~~ good luck in all that you do. and keep writing you journal and let us know how it all goes!
Just reading your list makes me tired. You've got more energy than I do! Lisa :-]
Wow! That is quite a remarkable list. May I borrow it?
WOW! and my new year's rez is to get more sleep!
sounds like yours is the exact opposite.
You have a very ambitious, though noble, list here. I just discovered your journal and I love it! Thanks for visiting mine so I could discover yours!
thanks for visiting my journal. It gave me opportunity to visit yours. I like it very much and will be back to keep up with what you are doing. Hope you will do the same. Wish you luck with all your endeavors. Your list of TO Do things is more impressive than mine. Still, I know we may not hit a homer every time but learn something each time we are up at bat. HAVE A GREAT DAY. Barbpinion
Happy New Year, Alphawoman! Great plans for 2004. Perhaps it's better to call them plans than resolutions? I especially like your goal to take a class at the community college to learn web design. Even I could use a class in that, I think. Anyway... have fun! :)
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