This has been the greatest week. I received Trish's CD and have been listening to it all the time. She is so very talented.
I found the first flowers of spring, some blue crocus.
Work is picking up dramatically and I seem to be poised to make my bonus for the quarter and have some sensational events lined up with Rupp Arena this summer. That was unexpected.
Saw Lost in Translation and it was great.
Joe and I went to the Mardi Gras parade last night and it was so colorful and so much fun. Tried to take pictures with the digital camera, but it was too dark.
Joe surprised me with a gift! Totally unexpected. Blew me away.
My immediate boss was promoted to Department Head. Harmony has been restored in my department.
Visited a museum that highlights the Lexington area. Brought back many memories of the way things use to be.
Been running outdoors getting ready for the first race of the Derby Triple Crown, the 5K.
Today I go to an Ash Wednesday service...and while I was thinking about which church to go to.....I realized it had to be Christ the King! Because about 20 years ago while I attended the service, we were all in line to receive the ashes and as I turned and headed back to my seat I go past none other than Bruce Springsteen! He was in town for a concert and like all good Catholic's, he was getting his ashes.
Who could I run into today....?
Crocus! Not fair!!! I've been out poking around every day for the last week, and have noticed several green shoots peeking out, but no blooms yet.
You've been a busy woman! Enjoy your Ash Wednesday and good luck on your race!
What a great entry! Wow, sounds like too much fun. Always, Carly :)
Wow,Alpha...What a great day you had!
I received Trish's cd about a week ago. She is amazing!! I'm absolutely in love with it.
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my journal! What pretty flowers! I went to a Flower Show on Friday..I'm SO ready to get my garden going. Of course they're talking about snow here tonight...I'm excited about that though! Anyway, former hippie lady, I'm glad I stopped by...I'll be back!
OMG ... I just realized a BIG boo boo on my part! I switched all or supposedly all my reading list to bloglines to help manage reading journals and yours didn't get on the list. Yours wasn't the ONLY one! And I was POSITIVE I went down the list ... I wonder how many I missed. Sorry to have missed you lately. I've been thinking of ordering the CD ~ so, you recommend it? :)
Smilin Mon
Flowers? I wish we had flowers. There's still about a foot of snow on the lawn out there.
Who would've thunk that getting your ashes will result into a celebrity sighting, wow. L.A. doesn't have Mardi Gras, I wish we had some sort of to do here, it sounds so much fun. You didn't tell us what Joe's gift was (I'm nosy, lol)?!
It`s so nice to see the crocus...
It isnt who you run into, it is what you get out of it. john
Great picture of the crocuses. Mine are just sticking their heads out. Regards, Bill
Your flowers are pretty and your stories are interesting and cute. Glad I have been thumbing through them tonight. Paula
Well it sounds as though you've had a great week. The picture is just beautiful and it makes me long for spring to come quickly...
Wow Mary, that is one busy week! The pic of the flowers is pretty. I really like Trish's CD too. I'm glad you do also. Her lyrics are very powerful, huh? Take Care! :-) ---Robbie
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