This is a great idea!
A long long time ago, when I first met Joe we were watching Discovery channel together and it was an episode about queen bees or spiders or some such creepy animal.
The female kills the male after mating. They were referring to the female as the alpha-female. Joe began calling me AlphaFemale.
Several months later, I quit my too pressure filled job and find another with the company I am with now. For some reason I have a knack coming up with nicknames for people. The person I replaced I began to call St. Serino (because all the customers were telling me what a wonderful guy he was, how he could move mountains etc.) I was nick naming everyone (most the time behind their back, I was new you know). They decided I needed a nickname.
My immediate boss knows Joe, and we were together and Joe referred to me as boss got it wrong, and began referring to me as Alphawoman, and my other coworker woman, Alphawoman #2. He calls us 1 and 2, "Where is Number 1?" or "Where are my Alpha's?"
Anyway, its funny and I like it. So I choose it for one of my various screen names.
Cool! I like this story! Jae
Great story! I'm having such a good time hearing where all these names have come from. Thanks for sharing. I'll link you up!
That`s Terrific!!! Good job,A L P H A !!!!!!!!
i love your name, been jealous of it since i first saw it. thanks for sharing your story. i've been backreading your entries, since i haven't been over here for a while. some good stories.
I love your screenname it is very cool!
I love it--alphawoman!!!
A preying mantis (sp?) eats the male after mating. Maybe that's the critter y'all were watching. Cute story. Thanks for sharing. :-) ---Robbie
hey that is neat. I like that. john
I love reading about how my fellow journalers have come up with their screen names. They are so creative and fun. I like your name very much and now I know how it came to be. :) Be well, always, Carly :)
This is really funny! I love knowing the origins behind screen names, nicknames, etc. Yrs ago, I got labeled the "Lizard Queen" which is such a ridiculous story and has nothing to do with lizards! Thanks for visiting my journal. ~Holly
It's a good name, I like it. But since Joe is still alive and breathing, I suppose you're not really an alpha in the animal sense of the word, right (to Joe's big relief, I'm sure)? lol
Very cool! Your ENTIRE screen name has its story. I love it! [and I love your s/n]
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