(Back then) When people went to college you either joined a sorority or a fraternity. Or were considered a GDI. I joined a fraternity! I became a Little Sister of the Golden Heart for the Sig Ep's. Back then, what that meant (because I think times have changed drastically in this regard) was you poured tea at the annual House Party that the House Mother formally attended
Otherwise it was Animal House.
I loved it. I hung out with the guys. I learned how to drink and how to skip class and how to get by. I was also on "call" so to speak. Whenever a dance or event rolled around, and one of the guys did not have a date, you went if he asked. It was okay, I knew this going in.
Little did I know that one day I would be called upon to go to the Valentine Dance with Rudy! Murray was a fairly large campus at that time in the early 70's. Every girl on that campus knew Rudy. First of all, he was a transfer. Second of all, he was gorgeous. Third, he was a very nice guy.
As you can see, we were drinking Boones Farm Wine. My fav........As you can see, he was wearing a power blue tux! And my naturally straight hair was in some funky hairstyle..but it was a Cinderella type dance for me. I felt like the princess of the ball.
We never went out again. But I have these lovely pictures as proof that once we did.
Well since he was so gorgeous I'm sure he could have went out with anyone, I think he chose you. It wasn't by default for being a littl sis. And Boones Farm woohoo. Tickled Pink was my fave. ;-) ---Robbie
WOW! That brought back some memories hehehe Many a night of partying with old Boony. My favorite was Boones Farm "Strawberry Hill". It beat out the Pomarel "Island Loganberry" And the "Bali High". Gee, don't I sound like a wineo? hahaha Hugs Lanny
Memories are great. To have pictures to go with the memories is "awesome". To even think about drinking Boones Farm Wines is like dying, Man. That stuff was nothing but formaldehyde. I should know I drank many gallons of it. I am scarred today by even the thought of such sewer fliud. Hah!! it was fun wasn't it?
So funny. Memory Lane. I find it funny that I live in a subdivison called "Boones Ridge" and I often refer to it as "Boones Farm". Country Kwencher Lemonade was my first (and many subsequent) drunk. Cheap, not as nasty tasting as beer, I didn't acquire that taste until I was around 18. But at 16, we could get Kwencher and we loved it. Scary huh? My little Lindsey would die if she knew!
~ Karyn
LOL! I just read your Metallica story (and laughed myself silly) and now this one! Too cute. I really like this idea about sharing favorite dates in honor of Valentine's Day.
But BOONES Farm! Oy vey! and Ay-yi-yi! You were a party girl, weren't 'cha?
Great memory!!
Great story - and photos! Sometimes, don't you wish you could go back...for just a day! What great, fun, WILD times!!
Nope. nNo denying this date! My Dad drank Boones Farm Apple wine...
I used to sip it from the fridge when no one looked. It tasted so good! And I'm not even a drinker to this day, but if the opportunity arose, I would probably drink that! Jae
Cool pics, you must've been the envy of all the Murray girls when you got to date Rudy that day. I couldn't see his face in the pics very well but he does look gorgeous. Blue tuxes...must've gone the way of disco balls!
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