Sunday we took a road trip to the Markers Mark Distillery. The ride down there was beautiful even though the dogwood and daffodils have not yet begun to bloom. The sun shining and the warm weather was proof enough that it will be soon.
Markers Mark is located in a small community nestled in the "knobs" called Loretto Kentucky. Which incidentally is also the home of the Trappist monastery, Gethsemani where Thomas Merton resided for five years.
Bourbon and Monks? Ironic in a sense.
The Internet claimed the distillery was open every Sunday with the exception of Easter. They lied! It was not open to the public and we realized it as we drove into the parking lot. Only a few pickup trucks were parked at what appeared to be a receiving area. The weekend keepers of the corn mash.
A security guard affirmed our realization....and we must have look pretty disappointed because he decided to give us his own personal mini tour of the Fermenting house. The smell alone could blow a legal intoxication. The cypress vats were 12 feel deep and bubbling with sour mash.
The memory of a childhood trip came to me with great clarity. I was about five years old and we were on a tour of the Old Crow Distillery in Frankfort. I was leaning over the side of one of the vats and began to fall in!! My Aunt Pat grabbed the back of my dress and pulled me out.
The security guard was named Robbie and he was so accommodating and would not take the money I offered him. Two car loads arrived as we were leaving. He firmly told them Markers Mark was closed. I cannot wait to go back and get the full tour.
This area of Kentucky is full of history that will take more than one sunny afternoon to explore. The monastery, a civil war museum, the birth place of Abe Lincoln, and several other Distilleries. There are people who travel around the country visiting all the Major League Baseball Fields. Joe and I have decided that we will visit all the bourbon distilleries in Kentucky
Great childhood recollection. Vivid. That might've freaked me out as a kid. Thank God for Aunt Pat. :) Enjoy your tours!
That vat looks like it's filled with vomit. A vat full of vomit it is! Ewwww. I'm glad your Aunt didn't let you fall into one of those. :-) ---Robbie
very interesting and a lovely story. :) that's a winning combination I would say.
I came over to give my thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a comment :)
Hey! I like your hobby....are there free samples? hehehe Hugs Lanny
Ahhhh! Good choice! Seeing all the distilleries!
Cool! I for one, will take the MLB stadium tour FIRST! But yours is a nice idea for you guys! Keep us posted, so we can take a virtual tour!
I'm glad you were saved from the bourbon vat. I happen to really like bourbon, so this tour sounds GOOD to me!! We've toured the Scottish highlands visiting scotch distrillaries and castle ruins. THAT was quite a memorable trip.
Pass the bourbon balls please...LOL Always, Carly ;)
Wow. What a nice guy to actually give you a mini-tour! I guess it never hurts to call ahead. Either way, it was a nice drive, a nice story to tell. Here's hoping you actually make it to all the bourbon distilleries in Kentucky. Think they give free samples? ::grin, grin:: tehehehe...
Your relatives should've known right then, as you nearly took a head dive into one of those vats, how the world would wag for Mary. Ahahahaha!
Bourbon, huh? Must have singed your nose hairs upon entering the distillery!
I've never been to Kentucky, but have a neighbor who is from there and she loves it--makes me want to visit too!!!
What a great way to spend a Sunday. Thanks for letting us all in on your adventure. Regards, Bill.
I live right here in Ky and have not visited one distillery. It would really be a neat thing though. I probably should do that. Yes we have had a few nice days. It does give hope to the new arrival of spring. THough I hear we are in for a cold next few days Sat - Tuesday. Lori
The closest thing to this I can remember is visiting a Coca-cola plant when I was a kid, lol. There's a brewery next to the freeway to my cousin's house and just driving by there I get a whiff of the malt, hops and yeast brewing. I can almost smell it right now...
I've been to a beer place, a chocolate factory ... oh and recently I went to a potato chip factory .. nothing like what you saw and smelled. :)
Smilin Mon
What a lovely day! Visiting all the bourbon distilleries in Kentucky sounds like a blast ~ and quite a feat. Can I come? The LA Times recently had a long feature article on the bourgeoning 'hip' of boutique bourbons. Martinis are my cocktail of choice, but I'm always happy to expand my horizons!... :)
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