I have spent a lot of time with my sisters in the last week. We had some great talks Sometimes you just talk and talk and talk but if you listen you might hear a good story or two.
A few years ago I was in one of my favorite places, the Book Cellar in the public library where they sell books at incredibly low prices with an eclectic selection. One afternoon I was shown a first edition of Anne Rice's' The Vampire Lestat. I purchased it. It was in wonderful condition, only a little wear and tear on the dust jacket. At one time I was a huge Anne Rice fan. Read everything she wrote and stood in line several times to have her sign books. My sister "Omega" is a fan too. I was telling her about "Lestat" and she told me that I was so lucky, that Lestat was her favorite Anne Rice book.
That Christmas I gave the book to her. It was so rewarding. One of the best gifts I have ever given due to her astonishment. I totally caught her off guard. I could not believe I was giving away a first edition Anne Rice...but, that's love.
Last year we had a huge ice storm in Kentucky that knocked out the electricity in several neighborhoods. Omega was moving into a brand new house. For some reason their basement flooded. Her husband Karl had placed the boxes of books in the basement and the worst happened.....the book was ruined. It took Omega months to be able to tell me, and when she did, she cried. She was so angry with Karl, angry with herself, angry with Mother Nature. The book meant a lot to her, and it was destroyed.
This Christmas morning she received the most wonderful Christmas present from the most wonderful guy. Karl had found another first edition on E-Bay ("don't even ask me how much he had to pay for it!!!!!!") and gave it to her, surprised her with it. Told her how much he loved her with it.
Sorry I havent been back since your mom got sick. It wasnt that I did not care. We did pray for her and you guys. I am glad to hear she will be coming home tomorrow. If you read my journal you will see my excuse. Though I did not have a heart attack I did have all my teeth pulled Thursday and it was an all day even with me passing out twice. Its a pitiful excuse to have not checked back. But so glad she s better. Lori http://beta.journals.aol.com/my78novata/LorisLaurels/
You have provided your Journal friends with a wonderful Love Story. The relationship of you to your Sister, from her to you, and from her Husband to her. All started by a book. Thanks for the "life lesson". My Regards, Bill.
Both gifts were wonderful acts of Love. Thanks for sharing! Hope you are feeling better. :-)---Robbie
Books are so important to me...I had a small collection of autographed first editon books by Anne Rice, Alice Hoffman, Mary Higgins-Clark and while I was moving I put them in storage. Then we were robbed and they tore the books up, I guess to be malicious, anyway Alan got me a first editon book for my birthday last year by Peter Benchely...books are like dear old friends, they never get tiresome. Take care, Carly :)
Aww,that`s agreat story...All 3 of you are so lucky!!
That is a touching story. It's obvious the love your feel for your sister to give her a first edition book like that. Incidentally, I loved the Lestate series as well.
I also used to be a HUGE Anne Rice Fan. I own all of her Vampire Chronicles. Even the last two, which have slowly gotten worse as she's gone along. ::sigh:: I've been disappointed in her recent work, so I've grown distanced from her, but I still admire her greatly ... and WOW, a first edition Lestat. Amazing!!!
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