I am 90% certain that Joe and I will be going to Ireland the end of May/beginning of June for about a week. My sister K. is going with her family (two small children) husband, his mother and sister, and another couple! What difference will another couple make?
She mentioned it during this ordeal and I just overlooked the suggestion. Thought, no way. But when Mom was on the road to recovery, I thought, "Why not?" what is holding me back?
I went and started the pass port process today. I am about half believing it really is going to happen. Both my parents are first generation Irish. I have a zillion relatives still there. Especially on my Mom's side of the family. Omega and K. have been over there numerous times.
I can't believe this is happening. Pinch me.
I'm so jealous!!! Ireland is on my list of places I'd like to visit someday.
Ireland!!!! How wonderful.
What wonderful news! I know you certainly could use another vacation after what you've been through lately. Ireland! I am SO envious! I'll wear green tomorrow and think of you!
Consider yourself pinched!
How utterly cool. Wish I was going.
How exciting! Another AOL-J writer, Floralilia, went on a Caribbean cruise with siblings and their entire families, and she has been posting about it in her journal. Great fun were had by all, and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time as well.
Wow!!! What an amazing adventure! You guys are gonna have so much fun. And it's happening so quickly. You definitely have to work on that passport soon. They take a while to come in. Fun, fun, fun! I'm so excited for you!
I hope you really go! How much fun!
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