There was sunshine today! The wind was blowing something fierce, but I did not allow that to deter me from my quest. I am ready for spring. Mother Nature does not want to play along with me. It was relatively cold today with a wind that cut right through you.
I went to one of my favorite places, Fayette Seed, and gave myself a nice reprieve from the weather. I bought a few plants to put into the ground Saturday, when it will be a balmy 50+ degrees. Yea Rah! Early tomatoes, onions, broccoli which is something new for me to grow. I know I will have to nurse them during April but I am willing.
The rule of thumb is to plant after Derby Day, which is the first Saturday in May. The wisdom behind this is that the last frost should be over.
I can't wait any longer.
Mary, Mary, How does your garden grow? <---- oooh bad joke I know. ;-)
I didn't realize it stayed so cold where you are at. I love sweet onions!!!!
:-) ---Robbie
The broccoli will be fine, but better protect those tomatoes! It was cold and windy here today, too, and my yard is a mess. But I have to wait until next week to deal with it. It'll just have to look like an abandoned rental for a few more days! LOL Lisa :-]
I'm dying to get out and get some dirt under my nails and get something growing.
Sounds like fun getting out and getting some dirt on the hands. :) I'm ready!
Smilin Mon
Hope you get some warm weather soon. Once you get a taste of it, it's hard to go back to cold and dreary.
just want to tell you i love this photo. did you take it? if it's available i'd love a copy of it. if it's public domain let me know. if it's yours would you share? broccoli loves cold/cool weather. won't grow when it gets hot. i plant it in late summer and harvest in the cool fall weather, all the way into winter. i need to get off my ass and get some gardening done. it might even help get me out of this depression.
just noticed in your sidebar that you're reading The Secret Life of Bees. haven't seen you on my Biblio Philes lately, come visit and leave a comment about this book when you finish. i read Bees long before i had any journals, and it's one of my all-time favorite books. i may just read it again so i can write about it. or you could leave a mini-review for me!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alpha!
Are you trying to torture me?? I've been out in my garden every day, poking at the shoots, clearing debris, praying for May...
Can't wait 'til Derby, although I wont be there this year, I'd love to try to come down next year!
I think I have a crusty brown thumb. I don't do so well with planting things. In fact, I downright suck at it. The bugs know my fears, you see, and they chase me away every single time I weed, plant or pick.
The only thing I like to do when it comes to planting is to stand with the water hose and spray it all. Especially the durn bugs!
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