When walking along the streets in Dublin, one must always be on the look out not to get in the way of the hustle and bustle of the crowds on the sidewalks. I could never get the hang of everything being on the left side vrs the right. It seemed we were always going against the current, but I feel it was just our American habit of yielding to the right. It was particulaly harrowing when preparing to cross the street!! Thank goodness jay walking was just not accepted. The crowds would calmly wait on the sidewalk for the lights to change. The pedestrian signals were especially important and would begin a countdown for the "okay" to cross. It would begin at 45 seconds and then proceed all the way to "GO!" and the masses would begin to cross as one. It was very cool. I tried to get a picture but was knocked aside.
There were statues everywhere commemorating everything from a very busty Molly Malone to a bullet ridden angel (bottom left). The center of O'Connell Street is lined with many of them, including the Spire fo Dublin, which is a 300+ foot stainless steel pillar which is called The Stiffy by the Liffey...I love that about the Irish.
that would be odd. For me being dyslexic and always confusing the left and right it would be a challenge. Lori
No picture of the Stiffy? LOL Lisa :-]
The Stiffey! Teeheehee. I'm amazed you were able to take such great pics and so crowd free at that. :-) ---Robbie
What a great journey! More Pics to follow, I hope!
Great collage. Don't you love the Irish wit? I recall that very busty Molly Malone as being referred to "The Tart with the Cart".... :)
I read all the way back to your very first Irish entry and it was like treating myself to an Irish vacation! I will continue reading to the last of the series.
Since I live in the West Coast it's always fascinating to see structures and monuments that are older than me! Everything is so new and so modern in L.A. and it's hard to get a sense of history unless you go searching for it.
Stiffy by the Liffey, hilarious!
I like the various pics you shared with us. My wife is Irish and English - born in the States. We're in the deep South. My best to you.
wow its cool
oh, wonderful.... thanks for pointing me back here. This trip sounded like so much fun!!! judi
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