I'm going to miss the 20th annual running of A Midsummer Night Run. Isn't that a wonderful name for a 5K race? As it sometimes occurs, too many things happening on the same weekend.
I have been running in the Midsummer since 2000. It was the first race Joe and I ever ran. I cannot begin to tell you all how it feels to cross finish line the first time. Euphoric is a good word. Even thought I feel bad about missing it, I am not ready at all to run three miles! I did begin to train again but incurred an injury about a week ago. I was watching TV and this fitness guru came on and told us how jumping rope burned the same amount of calories in 10 to 15 minutes as running did in a half hour. Being the big show off that I am, I got out Joe's jump rope and proceeded to show him how I earned the title of Jump Rope Chmapion in grammar school! The next morning, getting out of the car.....Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What have I done to my HIP!!!!!! My pesky right hip was on the disabled list ..... again. Not the first time I have injured the hip. As a matter of fact, I thought I had arthritis in that hip and endured years of pain! Actually it was just a simple joint inflammation cured with ibuprofen!!!
What I will miss the most will be the little kids vying for the title of Fastest Kid in Lexington. They have hundreds of kids in various age groups all running the 100 yard dash in heats. It is so much fun to watch them. I was positioned close to the street taking pictures when one group, they must have been the five years olds, took off running. They really have not mastered the concept of competition just yet. They have a tendency to look at each other, wave at the crowd, stop dead in their tracks, or just quit right before the finish line. Good entertainment.
One small kid tripped right in front of me! Fell flat on his face! He laid there in the prone position with his little face kissing the asphalt. I believe he was thinking, "If I don't move no one will see me." Me and the gentlemen next to me went under the crowd restraint to rush to him. We rolled him over and he still do not move. He appeared dazed and humiliated and in "statue" mode. His father was there in amatter of seconds and picked him up. That little man was a real trooper, and shed not one tear.
I'm going to really miss all that.
I'm going to be in Dublin, Ohio at the Irish Festival!
I think I'd rather be in the festival. Got room in any of your trunks? : )
I have to get a jump rope now. I had a little kiddie one that belonged to my 3 year old but my son and I broke the handles while having a jump rope competition..that I won of course. But now with the new information. I need a big girl one. Watch that hip and I Hope you enjoy that festival. I admire you for ever running in any race...I ......can barely walk!
Irish Festival sounds good... :osa :-]
Erin Go Braugh!
Enjoy the festival, and I hope your hip feels better soon.
I bought a jump rope...when I tried it for the frst time in over 20-some years, my kids laughed at me! I am talking, cracking up, rolling on the floor laughed at me! My flabby butt was hitting me in the back of the head whilst my flabby boobs were slapping me in the face...put it down, haven't touched it, since! But, you GO girl! Sorry your hip took a vacation...hope you feel better, soon! JAE
Wow your journal is something else. I always enjoy all of your comments. I would love to go to the Irish Festival. Where is Dublin, Ohio located at eg; north south,?
I have been to Dublin, Ireland and fell in love with it. I felt like I had came home. We went to see some of my Husbands relatives, and I have a very dear friend that lives there also.
Yes little kids are great. I have 7 grandchildren now. They never cease to amaze me. Take care!
I've been catching up. Some interesting stuff here. I watch the foot races and get tired and sore. I guess it is empathy for all those runners. Thanks for leaving me comments all the time. My Regards, Bill.
oh, wish I could take in the Irish Festival with you......... take lots of pictures for us, ok? Have a wonderful time!!!! love, judi
Every once in a while those jump-rope junkies resurrect that calorie claim, and they're probably right; it's not for nothing that fighters are always training with jump ropes. But ~ oh! The pain! It's exhausting and dangerous for anyone over...20.
I wish I were with you at the Irish Festival! (Why am I always wanting to tag along?) Have fun & remember ~ Guinness is Good for You!
The biggest problem with jumping rope is that you stay in the same place, while a runner gets to see the world. My little guy--3 years old--has hist first kiddie run in a couple of weeks--assuming I survive the 5K,
At this point in my life, I'd rather be at an Irish festival than running a race. I occasionally RUN out of beer - - but I never RUN in races (that sounds really stupid, now that I see it in writing...). Anyway, I can identify with hip pain because I've also had it off & on for years. I think mine is due to a lower back injury I had sustained about ten yrs. ago.
For a moment you had me ALL excited at the thought you were going to Dublin ~ IRELAND ... then I ead on, Ohio! Oh well, it still sounds like a lot of fun! ENJOY
Hi Mary
Have a fun time at the Irish festival...take lots of pcitures :)
Always, Carly :)
The Irish Festival sounds so much more fun to me. I hope you had/have a great time. :-) ---Robbie
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