Found this on a web site! Must have been taken by a professional who did not have a pint sloshing around in the other hand!
This is not the concert I attended, but it sure looks like it. The Roadie is in the strips and no hair on left. Omega and I think the one on the right (his back to us) who just stood on a little platform and danced and played the tambourine and sang back up, was their un-employable cousin from Tuam. The family begged them to take him on.
Really looks like a pro shot that.... It's even from behind the performers.
sosrry I got the dreaded red x no pic :<{
I like the pint slosher's photograph better!!!!!!!!! hugs to you! judi
Former hippie and recovering Catholic, eh?
Me, too.
Great journal!
LOL at the Roadie that was actually in the band. That still cracks me up. What a trickster. Can ya see yourself in the crowd?
Roadie and unemployable cousin...LOL.
I need to get their CD... Lisa :-]
can't see the photo :(
You are too funny! :-) ---Robbie
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