Photo Friday challenge is PROSPERITY. I had a bit of difficulty coming up with subject matter. Prosperity means something entirely different to me depending on the context. If you are talking about prosperity in general, I immediately think of all the farm land that is being bulldozed so that larger and larger homes can be built. Ironically, they are then sold to people who love to say they live in horse country.
Today I went to buy a Christmas tree. I realized that I had found my little bit of prosperity on a tree lot. The trees were so beautifully tall and robustly full ...... with hefty price tags. Years ago when I was a single Mom with little money, Bridget and I would wait until a day or two before Christmas Eve to go buy a tree. They were so picked over by that time it was a miracle to find a nice tree. Yet we managed to do just that every year.
I know I can purchase a tree today without having to look at the price tag. I can buy it weeks before Christmas if I want. I walked among the richly scented trees and took pictures.
I decided to wait to buy the tree. I could not find the special one! I did not feel the magic just yet.
( totally playing around in Photoshop!)
Nice job with PhotoShop! xoxo
wow that pic is awesome.Lori
These trees are so full! How gorgeous! I feel bad that they were cut down.
Wonderful photo.
Love what you've done with that photo!
Prosperity...I wouldn't have thought of Christmas trees right away, but I see what you mean. The picture is great!
You're so cool! JAE
I'll probably start doing the Photo Friday once I get my new camera [hopefully my Kris Kringle will get me one for Christmas]. I like your take on prosperity; it's what the Christmas tree represents to you at this stage in your life. Enjoy your tree this holiday season!
What a great analogy! I love the photo and the story. Yep, that's a good one. . .
Your J's name drew me here. Reminds me of Ayn Rand's heroines in her books. I also like your picture and the memory you shared. I myself, remember my poor days when I have to put christmas gifts on 90 days layaway because I can't afford to buy them outright.
What an AWESOME picture and I love the editing effects you created. Very artistic. :-)
My middle son is on his way down there to your neck of the woods. He'll be there for Christmas. Hide the sheep.
Loved the Photoshopped shot!! judi
Great job!
Love the photo
I've been playing around in Photoshop a lot lately. It's so much fun. I like your interpretation of prosperity. :-) ---Robbie
..late as usual gettin'!....the Photoshop is workin' for ya...I like!
You did good, yes, there is irony in the farmland bulldozing to put up houses...kinda sad to me...~JerseyGirl
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