Time once again to look back on another year winding down. I look over the resolutions I wrote last December and it makes me laugh. I think it would be better to make a list of things I dream about doing. Compile a wish list of outrageous wild and crazy stuff. I think I will enjoy that rather than an overly optimistic old list that makes me feel guilty in time.
On the other hand, a multitude of wonderful things occurred in 2004. I got married to my sweetie of close to seven years (of getting to know each other). My daughter moved away and began a life as a responsible adult. (I never thought that was going to happen!) My Mom had successful open heart surgery and is better than ever, fit as a fiddle. I realized one of my BIG dreams to go to Ireland. It happened and could happen again.
I reconnected with a first cousin in LA. I found a friend whom I worked with some 20 years ago, still living where she had always lived. I have spoken on the phone to my very first childhood friend, who lived down the street until the day we shot off to college. 2004 was definitely about realizing how important friends and family are to me.
2004 was a stellar year. So, what outrageous things would I like to do in 2005? I'm toying with career change. Just rolling it around in my head, getting a feel for it.
2005 is going to be very interesting.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
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Very nice events indeed! I agree throw away that overly optimistic old list and go for the outrageously wild and crazy stuff.
Have a happy New Year!
sounds like a great year may next year be even better. Lori
I hope and pray 2005 is a wonderful year for you. I like the idea of dreams list too.
I didn't know that you and Z-man had just gotten married. Was the Ireland trip a honeymoon? You forgot to list among your accomplishments an excellent compilation of shrt essays and wonderful photographs. Happy New Year to you both. Paul
Go for it! I know you will do anything you set your mind to...what kind of new career are you contemplating? JAE
sounds like a good year to me :)
Dream list sounds about right for me. I find I acheive more if they are my dreams then things I feel I HAVE to do to become a better person. WIshing you the very best in 2005.
Wow, I'm impressed with all the wonderful things that happened to you in 2004. Congratulations on a very good year. For me, 2005 is mostly going to be about school. I've got that old cliche of a New Years Resolution about losing weight, but that's too boring to talk about and almost goes without saying!!! :)
Resolutions are strange things... We get to the end of the year, prepared to be disappointed about not following through on them. And then, upon reflection, we realize the time was full of growth and change...just not necessarily along the path we'd mapped out on New Year's Day. You had a great year, Mary! Lisa :-]
A lot of great things happened to you in 2004! I am sure that is just the beginning. You and Zorro will have a wonderful 2005! I'm not one for making new year's resolution; I am the five year plan kinda gal.
I love the idea of a 'Wish List' ~ so much cheerier than the rather dreary sounding 'Resolutions' or 'Things I Think I Should Do,' or 'Things the Surgeon General Wants Me To Do'.
But you've had an enviably Wonderful year in spite of all that ~ Here's Wishing You a New Year just as Wonderful as the Last!
You've had a full year and I hopw 2005 is a good one for you!
Hope you have a great 2005~ Happy Holidays!
2005 will be even better for you, although I don't see how, since 2004 was pretty impressive! xoxo
I like the idea of looking back on 2004...especially wonderful things that happened!
Well, you did have a very good 2004. I bet you're glad you took the time to reflect back on the events of the past year. Actually, I think that's a good idea and we all should do it. Otherwise we might dwell too long upon the things we didn't accomplish. I wish you a wonderful 2005, but I think you will have that anyway. Somehow I think you know how to find the magic of life. Your beautiful photographs in your journal tell me that.
I wish you a wonderful new year, you are a very special person. judi
I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!....
Sounds great! I love change. Happy New Year! Pamela
What a great year you had!
I hope 2005 matches it!
Thanx for stopping by my journal. Glad you can find lots of good things about 2004. Our youngest son moved out, so now it's just the two of us, after 30 years of marriage. It feels good. Happy 2005
Your resolution list may have been shot, but you sure had a lot of blessings and wonderful things happen last year.
May this year be no different. Happy New Year!
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