Poo-Poo is up North looking at houses while I am down South getting this one in order, uncluttered and market ready. I realize that I have a certain criteria for the new house. Pretty simple, three bedrooms, two baths, family room, living room, lots of closets and a fireplace. This is Joe's criteria...fenced in yard so he can have a dog.
When he first told me his intent, I began to list every reason under the sun why I don't want a dog. Can not pick up and go on a whim. Must always think DOG then everything else. Dog's smell. They slobber on you.
The real reason came to me this afternoon while reading Ruth Store News - A Richards Bend Production. It made me recall a certain winter that I survived with a pot belly stove. The coldest winter that ever blew over Kentucky. Three feet of snow and ice so severe that the Ohio River froze. We had a dog named Terra, half Irish Setter and half Doberman!. I would open the door to the frozen terrain and tell her, "Terra, go find wood" and that smart dog would run out there and come back with sticks for me to poke into the fire.
I loved that dog. We spent a lot of long cold nights near the Warm Morning stove huddled together for warmth. That spring, after the thaw, a friend of ours came over and brought his chocolate Lab along. The Lab and Terra took off running....and we never found them again.
My heart was broken. I looked for that dog for weeks. I just hope she found a good home, she was such a smart dog.
Then there was Toby, my brothers dog. Now Toby was a Springer Spaniel, a Liver color I believe they called it. That dog was plain mean. Bridget was so small and just learning to crawl. She would happily lumber over towards Toby while he was sleeping....he would not even open his eyes, he would just raise his lip and go, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr". She always stopped, they instinctively understood each other. Toby bit one of my brothers fiends one night. As a matter of fact, J.B. was a hottie, a strikingly handsome hippie that turned heads where ever he went. He bent down to pet Toby and he went for his face! Golly it was awful! Bite anyone in the face, not J.B.!!!! Jesus Mary and Joseph! It was not too bad, but that was the end of Toby. My bro found a farm to take him.
You would have thought he had committed murder the way my sisters carried on. So Mom and Dad then got Thunder, named so because my sister loved Bruce Springsteen and Thunder was actually Thunder Road. Also a Liver Springer Spaniel but female and the most lovable puppy ever. She was bred to another Springer and Bridget above is holding one of the litter.
Thunder got sick with some form of blood disorder and was in and out of the Dog Hospital quite a bit around the seventh year of her life. On the day before another one of my brothers was getting married, Thunder became gravely ill and was taken to the vet. She hung on and passed away the day after the wedding.
She was a wonderful dog up to the very end.
And that is precisely why I do not want a dog. I am tearing up thinking about Thunder and Terra right now. And Jingle Bells too, but she deserves an entry entirely for herself. They do not stick around long enough for me. I become too attached and love them too much and the pain is too intense.
I think I want a Springer again.
Don't hate me but I hate pets. I don't know why and can't explain it. Maybe one peed on my foot as a kid or something !
You can hate me I dont care
Its just a dog
gimme a break
IHave four dogs and two cats. I know it alters our lives but so do kids and getting married and getting a home. But I owuld not trade any of htat for the world. A dogs uncondistional love is the closest thing to GOd there is. YES IT hurts like crazy when they die. It will kill me if my parents die and my kdis and hubby before me too. But what dont kill me makes me stronger.
Dogs make memories...I love my dogs! Get a dog! And yes, a Springer would be great!!! JAE
I got two dogs and two cats. I find their company very comforting now that the kids are grown and have very busy social life. I would encourage you to get one if you will be staying home for a while.
I think a dog would be great for you when you get to a new place. You could take it for walks and you meet so many people that way. I love my little dog so much and we're thinking about getting a 2nd after we move.
I become very attached to my pets too. I had the BEST dog growing up. None will ever take her place and I can't see myself ever trying. Once my one remaining kitty is gone, I think we will just be having small pets from now on.
we just got a puppy last weekend. picked her up at the airport. she's such a sweet little thing but I have to tell you my entire house smells like wet dog. it's disgusting. lol she's not even wet. I hope she's as good as your good ones were......
You don't have to sell me on the merits of having a pet. We have eight cats and a dog. Maybe a LITTLE over the top. Cats are like potato chips. You can't have just one...
I think you will enjoy the heck out of Poo-Poo's dog... Lisa :-]
I know....get a parrot instead! They live to be like 80, right? ;)
Nah, just kidding, get a dog. You know you love them, and their short lives are just part of the package.
I don't know if you followed my saga in my journal of me losing my beloved Sheltie Sandie around Christmas. We just got another Sheltie pup (black and white instead of the sable I had). We are in love! He's wonderful. The pain is horrible when you lose one but the joy you have while you have them makes it worthwhile. Keep us posted! Nelle
Oh Gracious. Aren't pets just awesome! I am so sorry about Terra. they come into our lives when we need them. . . But man what heartbreak when they go. I am getting nervous about my 13 yr old pup, although he is very healthy and hides his age well. Cya, Kris
I Know what you mean. Dogs are needy...and you get so attached. My Sheltie, Spunky died a couple of years ago and we all still miss him. In many ways I miss the "dog" energy around the house. Still. I don't know if I am ready. Want to travel.
While dogs have a shorter life spans that humans, I just tell myself that it means I can love more dogs in my life time. I currently have two beagles. You want a non-aggressive dog who loves everyone, even the mailman? That would be a beagle. Springers are good too, good hunters. Mutts are healthiest. A dog will find you, and it will be the right one :)
Just don't talk baby talk to it like my neighbors Marlene and Hillary.
Dogs Rule. Shelties Rule. But, alas, Shelties are not for everyone. I just know, though, if I had the room and could afford it, I'd have at least 5 or 6 of them. Anyway, when the time is right, the right dog will find you. Susan
It was almost a year ago I was going through this, I didn't want a puppy because I become so darn attached, I also didn't want one because of the responsibilty and they are to travel with. Yet, here I am, almost a year later and he's SO BIG! And has he ever filled our hearts, given us so much laughter and pure enjoyment. The right puppy will find YOU, just as ours found us. :-)
springer spaniels are my very favorite. judi
A great telling!
I loved hearing the stories about your dogs. I've never had any kind of pet, for the reason you list...I don't want to open my heart up to cute little things that don't stick's getting harder and harder to resist, though, as my daughter gets older and KNOWS that she needs to get a cat. So I guess we'll see!
Great memory...we had a dog growing up and I still think about him and miss him!
Wishing the perfect Springer for you!
*** Coy ***
My dog, Boogie, came from the humane society when my son was five. Since Bill had no siblings, he would call Boogie his SISTER. I thought that was precious. Boogie was with us for fifteen years and one horrible day, learned she had stomach cancer. We made her life easy, but she was floor-bound. One day Bill had the flu. He asked me to come in and I leaned over his bed. He said, "If I feel one fourth as bad as Boogie, I'd be suprised. I kinda feel like I know how she is suffering. I can't let her go on like this." His eyes welled up and he asked to see her. We brought her into his bedroom and the three of us took turns hugging her. We cried for a long time, then Dad & I took Boogie to the all-night vet hospital.
I can't bear to think that sweet little dog that used to stand outside with the wind blowing thru her long ears and scheming on how to catch a bird is really dead. I prefer, all these years later, to think that she is there, at the animal hospital.
If Boogie hadn't come home with us that day, I would have missed fifteen years of having my buddy that made secret trips with me to Mikey D's and Bill wouldn't have had a sister!
She was MORE than a best friend.
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