Wednesday, April 13, 2005


The Three Stooges

Except, there is only me! I'm like Lucy without Ethel.

I know I will survive the extravaganza of selling the house, even though it is turning into quite the ordeal. How do people get through this without having a nervous breakdown?

After surviving Saturdays trauma of the Eye Incident, I was able to almost finish the porch on Sunday. I laid down the paint roller around 730pm and called it a day. I will post pictures of Before and After as soon as it is completed. The lattice remains to be painted and reattached,  the steps need to be painted and then it is finsihed. I astonished myself in my ability to work through adverse conditions and do a pretty darn good job!

Monday my boss wanted a sit down between 3 and 330. Around 230 my realtor called to say that someone was coming over to look at the house around 600pm! Mother of God! I got home around 415 and began speed cleaning (which is slang for pushing things under the bed and stuffing the drawers). I rushed around like a woman possessed until 545, then drove up the hill and spied on my house from the hospital parking lot!

Today, we had a showing at 7pm.  Poo-Poo was home and began laying the new bathroom floor and painted the bench for the front porch Chinese Red. I thought the porch could use some accent, and that chair does the trick!

I decided to bake some scones to make the house smell wonderful.  The recipe instructed  the oven  heated  to 425 and place the scones very close to the top of the oven. I adjusted the racks and proceeded to prepare the dough, adding orange soaked cranberries (I've been dying to make them for a long time!!!). Before placing them in the oven I decided to move the rack down a notch. I had a hard time yanking that thing out and readjusting it back. In the struggle, I dropped the pot holder which immediately caught on fire! I was able to toss it in the sink (thank God still filled with water). My brilliant plan for making the house smell like cinnamon and cranberry scones was foiled. It smelled like burnt pot holder.

As the scones were baking, I attempted to dump a bucket of cleaning water in the sink, somehow missed my mark, or maybe it slipped out of my hand, it all happened so quickly....but two gallons of soapy dirty water crashed all over the kitchen floor. That was a mess to clean up.

Then the scones were ready. They smelled divine, so I decided to try one. Suddenly, the tooth I had worked on in  February to remove an old filling and replace it with a beautiful expensive porcelain crown,  pain shot the tooth as I bit down and erupted through the top of my head! I think the filling shifted and hit the nerve!

I'm afraid to eat on that side of my mouth!

I don't know if I can survive this!  I did not realize selling a house was so dangerous!.


Anonymous said...

For Gods sake, save yourself Mary, while there is still time!!!!!   Anne

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness. You are having a time of it. Hey you get that time to rest. Yes I hate selling a house and having people comeing by. But I cant wait to see your before and after pics. I sure hope your tooth gets better right there with eye pain is tooth pain. You poor baby.

Anonymous said...

My selling my old house was a nightmare for me also. The septic tank which had never been a problem failed the test. I paid someone thousands to repair the problem and their inspector said it was unacceptable. The closing was on again/off again for weeks. I was working full time and unable to take time off. I paid a few family members $100 a day to help me at the very end. I hope yours will go smoother than mine!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!  Be careful and take care of yourself :-)  Pamela

Anonymous said...

I love this line of yours:  " I'm like Lucy without Ethel. "  And making the house smell like a burnt pot holder--that's very Lucy indeed.  Man, you were truly having "one of those days"!

Anonymous said...

Lu-u-uc-c-y!! How many times I tell you no show business!!
babaLooo!!! ! Awwww Ricky honey!!!
Well at least you see the humor in all of that insanity!

Anonymous said...

Good lord, Mary, your kharma is REALLY screwed up.  I love the burnt potholder and water all over the floor part...  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Yummmmy! There's nothing quite like the scent of burnt potholder and cranberry orange scones. ;-) But I bet the lovely scone fragrance overrode everything in the end. That *alone* should have been enough to sell the house for you. :-)  

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one unlucky woman! If I were you I'd avoid driving a car . . . or flying, or walking across the street lol

Anonymous said...

Wow. Murphy has thrown you on the bed and his having his way with you! LOL You poor thing!

Anonymous said...

Good grief! You poor thing. This sounds like a horrendous ordeal. I sure hope the house sells quickly. I don't think you'll survive otherwise. :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

Mary, take care of yourself!  I'm beginning to think head to toe bubble wrap might be appropriate.  I'll be sending sell the house good vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

be careful!!!!!! judi

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting to hear how Zorro turned into Poo Poo. There has to be a good story there.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooooh my, what a day!!  You will survive (not sure about that tooth though), hang in there.

Sold my house 6 years ago, what fiasco...  After a 15 year marriage, I was the only one there to clean, toss & pack up everything from those 15 years.  What a nightmare.  Wasn't done by the closing, ended up hiring someone to finish the attic and basement for me.  Ack!  Survived, but barely....

Anonymous said...

OMGosh!  So much happening!  I sure hope you survive!  Just remember one thing...V stands for Valium...!  JAE

Anonymous said...

when it rains, it pours doesn't it?  take care of yourself


Anonymous said...

aweeeeeeee your poooooor tooth. You just pushed on a nerve. Hopefully it will go away. Same thing happened to me and I was in agony for a week and then it just went away. Knock on wood. I wish my house smelled like food right now. But there is no food and it smells like puppy poop. It would never sell.

Anonymous said...

The Murphy's Law saga continues... I sold my house and I am signing it away on the 19th. I also made a lot of blunders and am continuing to do so... My hubby is in Europe and  there are times when I want to pack my bag and join him there. But like a good little trouper, I stay put and do all the dirty stuff: sell the house, buy another, move.... OK, I'm done whining! Have a great week, Mary!

Anonymous said...

wow! i feel so much better about my life now! LOL! Just kidding!
You have had a rough time of it lately!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I'm sorry...I kept a straight face right until the soapy water on the floor, and then you got me...

I hope you're feeling better now...