Pipe and Drum
At the Festival there are six main music tents. My second favorite is the Scott's Irish Thunder stage. It is under the huge tan and green awning where the more traditional Scottish music is heard. They are Celtic also, so it is all good.
There is something so gut wrenching about a Pipe and Drum Band. The music seems to fill the air around you and linger long after the instruments are silent.
This is the Columbus Police & Fire Pipe & Drum. The whole area was packed for the performance. Standing room only. There was even audience participation, which I have never witnessed before. Many in the crowd lifted their arms with the main Drum at the conclusion. It was almost...no, it was reverent.
Afterwards, I wandered down one of the main drags and found my Sister and her clan sitting on the grassy medium. As we sat there, crowd watching, I heard them coming.
The crowd parted and allowed them to pass. It was a beautiful sight and a beautiful sound.
I love bagpipes. For our wedding we had a piper play as the guests were arriving and he piped us in and out of the ceremony. It was a surprise from me to my husband and he says the best gift he ever got. :) Nelle
Mike is over here practicing on his chanter.
Wow! That looks like a really fun festival! And don't they look great in their kilts!
I bet that was an amazing sight and sound.
A friend of mine (an Irish friend) once told me that one bagpipe was too many and 100 wasn't enough. There are times when I knew exactly what he meant.
Isn't it amazing how sexy a man in a kilt can be?
The Fire department sent Irish pipers when my Dad passed away. I'll never forget it.
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