Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Lost Souls

Kites in the trees at St. James

Last year after I attended the St. James Court Art Show I came away inspired and full of ideas to create some folk art of my own. I began to search for old photographs. I thought that I could make shadow boxes of "mixed media" as good, if not better than what I had viewed at the Art Show. I went to numerous Flea Markets and antique malls in my quest. I actually found some very interesting photos. To look at a person some how discarded is sad. Yet, there is a new beginning, a second chance to live, in the art. It encourages speculation about the life of that lost soul.

I lost motivation in short time. My own circumstances demanded consideration in regards to the future. That future at the time did not involve creating interesting shadowboxes.

A year later, I found myself at the Art Show once again fascinated with the simplicity of the boxes and the powerful aura's surrounding them. Discarded souls.

I encountered discarded souls of a living nature all over Louisville during the weekend.

Three separate times during the course of a 12 hour period I was asked for money. Once at a fast food joint as I was walking back to my car. I handed over a $1.

At the Octoberfest festivities on Fourth Street Live. I handed over all my change in my pocket.

At a convenient store a little later on, while buying lottery tickets for Powerball, Omega and I encountered a young kid in the parking lot. "Have you got 74 cents?" he asked, "Its all I need to get home." Peggy turned to me and I handed over a dollar. "More", she demanded. I added another two bucks. She gave it to the young man.

Once we got back into the car she said, "Since New Orleans......K. (her husband) says you never know when the person you are helping could be Jesus. I think there is God in all of us anymore. No matter what." 


Anonymous said...

When events conspire like this to pass on a message as powerful as this one, it becomes obvious that someone up there is trying to say something and he isn't beating around the bush about it. I've had a couple times in my life where it couldn't be more clear that someone was trying to tell me something. Pretty picture too...I love kites.

Anonymous said...

I have a fascination with old photographs myself. At flea markets, garage sales, etc, I'm always buying them. I will study them and wonder what their history was like, why this photograph was carelessly tossed into a sale bin. Honestly, it makes me sad, but I love your idea of taking those and creating a living piece of art.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that young man appreciated your kindness. Hopefully, in some way, he passes it on to someone else. We need more kindness in this world.


Anonymous said...

Love the graphic. So nice of the kindness shown. nice to hear now days

Anonymous said...

I have such fond memories of the art fair.   You are a good person to help.   Anne

Anonymous said...

Your ending comments remind me of a verse in the Bible.  Hebrews 13:2: Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry! - Karen

Anonymous said...

I used to get approached all the time when I worked downtown and in Old Louisville...I used to give money and then got away from it.  Then one day, my sister-in-law reminded me of that same thing...who are we to judge why they need the money, or what they need it for? What matters is that we give, and God takes care of the rest.  Jesus said that when we clothe others, we are actually clothing Him...

I didn't get to go to the Art Show again this year...which is probably a good thing, since I usually spend way too much money when I do go.  I looooovvvvve the Art Show...

Anonymous said...

Inspiration to fill the soul...in more ways than one.
I love old photos, too. I use them in collages.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture---it's so bright and cheerful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the pic and the entry.  Especially the last part.  Very true.


Anonymous said...

I like this very much, both the pic and the thoughts, and I agree with what you've written. A dollar or so may not be so much to me, but it could make a difference to the person receiving it, and it's best to give thinking that, without judging, if possible.  You've said that so well.
