Sunday, November 27, 2005

Familiar Haunts

A Funky picture from Light Up Louisville Friday night. (Fireworks!! as they throw the switch for all the Christmas lights in Downtown Lou.)

This morning after leaving Bridget's I decided to treat myself to breakfast. Lynn's Paradise Cafe was too crowded, Ditto's looked closed so I ended up at the Shoney's on Eastern Parkway & Preston. And what a treat it was! First of all, to be surrounded by southern accents. Music to my ears. And the service! I also recognized it last night  when we ate at the pub attached to the Marriott downtown. Service was spectacular! Friendly, prompt. I can not begin to count the times I have walked out of places "up North" because I was not acknowledged by the staff and servers! Astonishing! Little do they know, I am a great (and I do mean Great)tipper. But, I have to get good service.

I am not expected anywhere today, so I have the entire day to so what ever it is I want to do! I went downtown and took pictures! It is a gray overcast day and I loved it. I miss the dismal gray of a Ohio Valley sky. So familiar and expected. All the better to appreciate the sunshine when he makes an appearance. I wish I could put into works why Louisville is so beautiful to me. It is a large city like very other large city, yet it shines even in the overcast skies of late November. From the funky stores and streets of Bardstown Road to the breathtaking expanse of the Ohio River stretching towards Indiana every little nook and crannie is familiar and a welcome sight.

Then Lexington. I find myself racing to the Friends Book Cellar, at the downtown library branh, because I have not been able to find the time to visit since May. I am  very over due for a fix!  First off  Joe, one of the staff volunteers, is on duty! He greets me with a hug, tells my how beautiful I look, and how he has missed me! Now that is service!

I find in the aisles two of my favorite books ever in Hard Back! A terrific find! I am buried in the Travel section and find six books I must have! In total, I have 12 books. Total....$29. I love this place! I wonder about sneaking them into the house in Ft. Wayne, as my book collection is totally out of hand. It is actually housed in our storage area!

I am now at the computer room casually casting my eyes around looking for the mutterer.  He haunts and terrorizes the cubicles. Very bad to make eye contact with him, I would think.I doubt he is here since I don't hear him.

My next stop will be the liquor Barn, which I will just run up and down the aisles and rejoice at the selection and the prices. There is not a single store in Ft. Wayne anywhere close to the gigantic liquor stores in this area. Not only liquor, but the best greeting cards, gifts, party favors, a deli, balloons, gift baskets, designer coffees, gourmet foods and candy, and of course lots and lots of beer! Lots and lots of quirky beers from all over the world! I live for these moments.

I am then off to the consignment shop. I love that place. I need a new winter coat for the harsh North East winds! I know I will find it there. Plus, no telling what else.

I have an 18 pound Turkey in the back of my car. I certainly hope it thaws out before tomorrow morning. I feel strange with the bird in my back area. I keep checking on it. I know this is the most unconventional method I have ever using for thawing out a turkey.


Is spell check not working for anyone else?

Are the ads gone or is my eyesight getting worse?....dang it I don't see any!!


Anonymous said...

I see an ad.  It's the usual one.

What are the lights on the sky on the Light Up Louisville picture?


Anonymous said...

You need some glasses!

It's cute to hear how excited you are to be home!


Anonymous said...

Oh Mary, full of grace, the Liquor Barn, is mine kinna place!  Gotta admit I would eat breakfast at the Waffle House in front of the Liquor Barn...........just to hear them greet you.  I don't see the ads either.  ANNE

Anonymous said...

I've seen a couple people say the ads were gone...but I've seen them all day. They sure didn't vanish for ME. lol  Mmm...Shoney's...

Anonymous said...

Your ads are gone - think mine are still there. Drat. Rhonda

Anonymous said...

the ad is gone BUT a little box is at the left corner and if it is chicked on the ad comes back............... * diane *

Anonymous said...

Mary, I would simply love to go to the places that you describe to shop. When I moved to NJ from MD I noticed a huge change in how people treat others. Then once in a while you meet a great service person and like you, I show my appreciation with a big tip. When are you planning on having that bird? LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, no ads for you!
Great Pic!

Anonymous said...

The first Shoney's I ever went to was that very one on Eastern Parkway.  Glad you had a great time in the 'ville.

Anonymous said...

Ads still there :(
*** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

Spell check was not working for me, and the ads are back with a wee tiny disclaimer....

Anonymous said...

hope you had a great thanksgiving  john

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading about your shopping agenda.  Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one with your family, as I am sure it was.   mark

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your Blog. Hope your turkey thawed out in time and enjoyed your thanksgiving.  Here in Birmingham,England at Christmas time I love shopping
at the Frankfurt Christmas Market who come over from Germany each year. Its the biggest German Market outside Germany.

Anonymous said...

Did it thaw?

Anonymous said...

I love the vision of you tootling around town with the turkey in the back. Did you buckle it in? The picture is great. I felt like I was there. I love little unususal places