Sunday, December 11, 2005


There was an accident this morning. The Christmas Tree fell over. It was awful! I thought I had done such a good job putting it up by myself. I noticed it was leaning a little toward the left, so I strung it up! Not good enough.

Seabiscuit was injured. I am going to have to put him down. It is so sad in so many ways! First, he was a great champion. A champion among champions! Second, I can not located a store in Ft. Wayne that has thoroughbred ornaments!

So I went to E-bay. I found what I was looking for and so much more! I went over the edge and bid on several Triple Crown winners. I will be happy if I win even one. I just hit the "buy now" button on the Seabiscuit replacement.

I could so easily become an E-Bay junkie. I love that web site. I have located the most obscure stuff there. For example, the Animal Orgy coffee cups. Long ago, in a far away land known as My Younger Self,  I had a bear cup from (then) Shillito's. I marveled that such a vulgar item would be available at a classy store! That only added to the charm. I always thought it amusing. I envisioned unsuspecting shoppers  purchasing these cups and sitting at their middle class breakfast tables sipping coffee out of a cup painted with fornicating bears!

"Honey, I think these bears are....OH MY GOD!!!" 

That was around 1980. I had that cup for a long time until one day, it was in an accident and the handle broke off. After that, I used it as a small planter for tiny Irish Shamrocks (aka, friendship plant).

One day, I realized it was gone. I have no idea if I tossed it out or it was just forgotten and left behind on one of my many kitchen window sills.

Every time I entered a flea market for 20 years, I looked for them. I poked through many highly dangerous and dusty booths of china, pottery and glass searching for those naughty bears.

E-Bay. One day this autumn, I thought I'd take a look! Next thing I know, I have four of those mugs from 1979! Not only the bears, but bunnies and elephants! I was ecstatic!

I also love STEALITBACK. I have discovered the jewelry. God Help Me. You would not believe the beautiful stuff they have and how cheap you can get it! Maybe I should not be telling you all about it.

Forget it, it does not exist.



Anonymous said...

Poor Seabiscuit - a great Horse....Glad you found what you wanted on ebay...and I love your Mugs - very upmarket lol...Did the pearls come from ebay ????.......Ally

Anonymous said...

Poor tree, poor Seabiscuit but good finds.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww Poor horsey.

Anonymous said...

ebay is a dangerous place.  I have found lots of things there.  When we started filling up our garage with other people's junk I had to call a halt to it.

Those mugs are SO classy! Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who has a set of those mugs.  They are "unique".

Anonymous said...

Mary, Once again....we are thinking similar thoughts.........1980!   Sorry about Seabucuit.....he was a mighty horse.   Anne

Anonymous said...

I love ebay. You can find just about anything you're looking for. I remember my daughter wanted a panasonic radio that her father had bought in 1968. I found it on ebay. When he died, she didn't she didn't take anything of his from his apartment. She thought she'd never see that radio again. Her father's name was Mike. The guy who sold the radio's name was Mike. Conincidence? I don't think so. ; )

Anonymous said...

Before Seabiscuit is buried, have you thought about Superglueing his fractured leg back.    Your mugs are too much!    mark

Anonymous said...

I love the pearls.  They add that touch of glamour.
Ebay can be very addictive!

Anonymous said...

Oooo how I love shopping.  And so sorry to hear the tree fell over.  I would be beside myself with dismay.  Did you get to see the movie Seabiscuit?  Great movie.  How nice you have an ornament named after such a lovely champion.  Don't know if they are connected (the movie and your ornament) but I do think it's a lovely name none the less.  I must say I haven't bought a single thing on E bay yet.  I should get the hang of it.  I did try once but all the rules confused me and I was short on time to figure it out.  Probably for the best where my wallet is concerned.  Lol.  Now I must say I've never encountered fornicating bears but I would truly like to discover the jewelry site you've mentioned ....

Anonymous said...

Ebay rocks! I love that website. A little TOO much.

Anonymous said...

Neat mugs!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get us started!!!
*** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

I remember those mugs, lol! Poor Seabiscuit! I am glad you were able to find another.


Anonymous said...

I'm dyin' laughing at those coffee cups. That would definitely put a smile on my face every morning!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I'm sorry about your tree. We had that happen once, and I lost a lot of German glass icicles. Never found any others exactly the same. Congrats on finding a replacement horse! eBay rocks. So do those mugs. LOL

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Mary to hunt down and replace something that should have been long forgotten!!!  (not the ornaments; the mugs!)  Those mugs are so funny!  But, if you had not told me all about them BEFORE you showed them, I may not have noticed what was going on!  I function best in "Oblivious mode"!!!  JAE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My Christmas tree fell over once, and so for the next couple of years I attached it to the wall with a wire...I stopped doing that and have been living dangerously since then, but I'm thinking that this year with a new kitty I should probably get the wire back out...

Oh, the mugs are sooo funny...I had to look at it a while before I figured it out!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Not laughing at Sea Biscuit but at the mugs! I know someone who will appreciate them so I better head down to ebay to see if I can get them.

Anonymous said...

The mugs are hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the mugs! What a hoot!! Rhonda

Anonymous said...

ebay IS ME-bay!!!  I love it!

Anonymous said...

I have a reindeer that has only one antler and no legs. I aso have a toilet paper tube snowman.Mariah says when she leaves home she will have a tree with no garbage on it!

Anonymous said...

 LONG TIME AGO ... I MAKE IT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE TO TIE THE CHRISTMAS TREE UP SO THAT IT CANNOT FALL OVER ... especially when you have kitties who chase each other up the trunk, appearing at the top for a brief instant before the tree crashes over ... or , when an "innocent" dog who is found under the bed by following the tinsel garland stretched from the tree.
   I wire it several ways...
Sorry about Seabisquit!