Sunday, July 30, 2006

Someone's boring me. I think it's me.


Repetitious Rubbish

As this blog nears the Three Year Mark I'm experiencing a type of cycle emerging. Next week end I am going to The Dublin (Ohio) Irish Festival. I have written about that twice.  I am seeing the Saw Doctors who will be performing there (this will make the 5th time I have seen them and the 3rd time this year!!) God knows I have written about that before! In August I will be attending the annual MidSummer Night Run. Been there, done that. The week after will be the Woodland Arts Festival. My pocketbook can attest to that repeat performance!

In the famous words of Dylan Thomas, "Someone's boring me. I think it's me".

For example: My week-end. Nothing out of the ordinary. A typical two days of predictable occurrences and behavior.

I went to the Southside Farmers Market early Saturday morning and bought delicious vegetables and these beautiful gladiolus. I was there early enough to snag some! They normally have disappeared by the time I arrive.

I have been hitting the New Haven Nature Trail, dodging the beastly bicycles and have pushed myself to just about 2 1/2 mile run. I am walk/running close to 5 1/2 miles. Sweaty stuff.

I have fallen off the Healthy Food Wagon earlier this week. My boss made me by taking me to a Mexican restaurant where those chips and salsa were calling my name so LOUD that it was all I could do not to devour them entirely while he watched me astonished at my ravenous behavior. After that it was a blizzard. After that it was a sub sandwich.

Living the Healthy life is not all it is cracked up to I tell myself. So I have hit the trails again.

I have been working in the garden trying to keep it alive. When we first moved up here, last spring, so many people told us we were going to enjoy the mild summers. What mild summers? They have been torturous!! 90 degrees or more is not unusual! My poor flower beds are burnt up!

After an hour of weeding and snipping I drank a beer and passed out for two hours.

I then went to the local nursery and partook in their "wagon sale" where you fill up an entire wagon with whatever you can fit into it ....all for $20!! Last year it was $15 and they allowed you to double deck...not this year and the lady had her eye on me. I guess I have the look of someone who would cheat in a heartbeat!

I came home with tons of stuff to replace the dead stuff.

Today will be more of the same. Cooking, cleaning, boring, boring, boring.

But then week-end!! The Irish Festival and The Saw Doc's!! I'm counting the hours!!!!



Anonymous said...

I have heard nothing but how HOT it is in the summer, there!  Who lied to you?  Itis cool to hear you are hiting the trails..I wish I could take that step...God knows I need to!  I can just see that lady watching your every move..I bet you weren't the only one she was watching!  Have a great tiem next weekend!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Good for you to be running again! I am still stuck with walking, although I get many miles in every week.

ps - you are NOT boring me!


Anonymous said...

well it sounds like your going to have a good time. Enjoy. Happy your running. Diets are so hard. No wonder why I'm fat. LOL.

Anonymous said...

The heat has been torturous here as well, We are expected it to hit 100 on Wed.
I am watering both morning and night. My flowers are not enoying the heat at all.
Now you have me wondering just how far Dublin Ohio is from me. Rob loves the Saw Doctors. Had to work this weekend and was looking forward to just hanging out next weekend. The past two weekends I haven't had an hour to just kick back.
Have a great time in Dublin!

Anonymous said...

Your day was more interesting than mine!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty nice life to me. and the flowers are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Gosh I want to see those flowers every single day when I wake up.  They are so beautiful.  Are you able to get in my journal since I went private.  Just email me if it isn't working.  I love your titles to your entries.  LOL.  I bore myself all the time too.  Cleaning, work and more work and a lot more work...and cleaning.  Laundry, cooking, kids, more kids.  Then I come here to J Land and bore everyone else and write about it.  LOL. Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You have NO idea how I covet your "boring" life.  My life is anything but boring these days.  More like totally overstimulating.  Pretty, pretty flowers!  Lisa  :-]