Saturday, July 22, 2006



(Picture for Gayle....Hi Gayle!!)

Going to hit the road in a few minutes. I have one stop to make, at the Southside Farmers Market to pick up some of that wonderful bread made by that articulate writer, and this totally terrific hand cream made at home called " Country Honey". Besides smelling divine, it is the best stuff I have ever smeared on.

I'm headed home to Kentucky for the monthly gathering of my clan. My mother has several out of town guests staying with her. Including my brother from NYC and my Aunt from Florida. It will be a wonderful dinner tomorrow. My Mother is always so animated and happy when she is surrounded by her family. It is a joyous occasion.

I am struggling (again) with the boundaries I must set while writing this blog. I think it is imperative that I protect and respect the privacy of not only my family and friends, but the people I come in contact with on a daily basis.

My life feels like I am in the middle of the spider web and all my experiences and the people who are part of them, instigate them, inspire them, are the webbing that reaches out far into the universe. No telling how far out they reach...can reach.

Yet, this is my history. I think all these personal blogs are our written history. Maybe polished a bit, certainly embellished a little, but they are ours and only ours. They would be less engaging and charming unless they include all those characters who come in and out of our lives on a daily basis. And also, those who are here to stay.

Those who are here to stay, like the Husband, who I promised never to make him look bad in any way on these pages. Some of the funniest, most gut splitting antics are not included here, not because they would make him look bad, but because I think it would upset him. He tends to think this lowly blog is read by millions...hahahah!!!

This is my history and it should include the downs with the ups.

Even if I change the names to protect the guilty.

So, I am going to mull things over during this trip down South to home. I am having the most vivid, sad dreams about certain things that are going on in my life at this moment, this place in time in a very difficult struggle  with my daughter.

On well, what is life if it isn't interesting?


Anonymous said...

Enjoy Woodford County.   My heart is longing for Kentucky right now too!   Anne

Anonymous said...

And never seems to get easier! Have a safe and happy trip and time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're going to have a wonderful visit with your family.  I hope things straighten out for you and your daughter; relationships with our daughters sometimes are the hardest, next to our mothers, to deal with at times.

Anonymous said...

If you're not being read by millions, you should be!!!
I am not so disciplined as you are; I take every down with me, in my blog...I should really try to do better than that...

Anonymous said...

I have realized that i have been too free with some of my information.  I feel like it limits me on what i want to say and share with my new j-land friends. But I also don't want to go private.  it is hard to find the right medium.  by the way, I found the link to your journal of Jae's journal. I hope you don't mind my visiting and commenting.  Tina

Anonymous said...

I know the struggle you're talking about; I have it too.  Have fun at your mother's and enjoy the relatives.

Anonymous said...

The bread sounds good and so does the hand c ream. Have a great time in Kentucky with the clan. Sounds fun.  It's your journal you can say what you want for sure.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time with your family.

I've been more comfortable with my blog since I made it private.  It's not called the world wide WEB for nothing.  You really don't know how far your words will reach.  It's a valid concern  

Anonymous said...

May your trip bring you refreshment, joy, peace and perspective! - Karen

Anonymous said...

Monthly gathering of the clan?!?!  I love my family but the thought of everyone being gathered together in one spot sends shivers up my spine!!!

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

We cannot get everyone together at one time. This past weekend my sister came down from upstate NY and people went to my mother's in dribs and drabs. The few hours I was not there my other brother  Ihaven't seen since Christmas made his way over. Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your family. Yup, we all have the blogger's dilemma. Self censorship is one of the hardest part because of the desire to be as honest as possible with one's readers.

Anonymous said...

I've been working up the courage to journal for too long and now that my son is home for a few weeks it might happen with his technical assistance.  Coincidentally, boundaries are something I was thinking about only today during a long drive on the interstate.  I read one journal regularly in which the writer's home and picture are never revealed.  I can't be like that!  I love seeing what authors look like and can't imagine writing about my city (it's such an integral part of who I am) without naming place names.  And I hear you in regard to writing about loved ones and ups/downs (especially with our very dear daughters).  Thanks for the perspective (which I share) and you are an inspiration to me.
P.S. and it does seem like you have a lot of readers!

Anonymous said...

I tend not to be too secretive in my journal...but I don't write about people all that much.  At least not live ones.

No one I know reads my blog, so it really doesn't matter what I write.  I used to whine about my family in my private journal, but I haven't written in "Brainsurfing" for ages.  Haven't deleted it, though.  I might take it up again someday...

Sorry to hear you are going through hard times with the daughter.  Is it the wedding thing?  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, another series!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I have to deal with this issue myself...I write almost everything, and sometimes it bites me in the butt later...

Anonymous said...

That is marvelous that you will be visiting with your family and do so monthly.    I rarely get to see my family as I live hundreds of miles from N. Illinois and San Antonio.    I fly to Texas and I will take the train next time to my sister's and her grown children and their families.    I can not stand the drive anymore being on medication daily.     This last week has been spent indoors and laying on my board/cushion reading for hours since last Saturday's attack of sharp pain just bending forward.     I am on a new anti-seizure medication that is being prescribed for chronic pain, which is primarily a drug for Epilepsy.     The last one was awful and now I am doing much better.   A family needs to be supportive of one another.    My father's memory gives me inspiration and strenght to go on.   mark