Tuesday, October 3, 2006



I have enough Kino sandals to last till the next time. Kino Sandals is the most unpretentious, comfy and functional shoe factory in the world. Hand Made and $10!

The wine is almost gone. Why is the wine so goooood in Key West?  I loved the Strawberry Riesling Wine. Courtesy of Keel and Curley Winery.

Joe and I hiked all the way from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico. On our journey we passed this cozy little Art Gallery. I had my heart set on purchasing some of art to take home. And I got lucky. This was a coop-gallery. Affordable and capricious. And red.

Very red.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Kino Sandals look great.    I worked at the Barefoot Cobbler in Carbondale and my employer made  sandals with all different types of straps.     I worked on things like glueing on new soles/heels  ( lots of women's tiny high heels and polishing )   and grinding them to shape.     I am very sad that him and his wife are both gone now.    A terrible wreck took his life and she died a year later from it.     Their daughter and two son's survive and the daughter is running just one of the shoe repairs and leather goods store now.     Their parent's were both from Korea and he fought in the Vietnam conflict for S. Korea.    They were very wonderful people and I miss them greatly.
The red background with the black lighthouse looks great along with the map and wine bottle.      mark