I had a brilliant idea several years ago, right before making the monumental and life altering move to North East Indiana. I am an avid reader of the independent newspaper scene. Lexington has ACE, Indianapolis has NUVO, Cincinnati has CIN, and Louisville has LEO ("the Louisville eccentric observer, keep Louisville weird"). I believe I have picked them up in Dayton and Cleveland too. I know they flourish everywhere because they are just that, eccentric observation.
What does Fort Wayne have? They have WHATZUP. Different from the above mentioned papers that it is much smaller in the sense of less pages and scope, totally focusing on music/movies/video games with the occasional article about cultural events.
Being the naive visionary that I use to be, I contacted them about a possible series of articles focusing around a new comer arriving in Ft. Wayne and what they discover about the city documenting their observations. I pitched it as Stranger in a Stranger Land. I was trying to appear clever.
It did not work out and I have mixed feelings about their rag ever since.
It would have been perfect. I would have told these type of stories.
It was nearing the time to purchase my Mom a box of chocolates. In the past it was a simple task, running to the nearest candy store and picking up a box of her beloved Bourbon Balls. Bourbon Balls do not exist above the Mason-Dixon Line unless they are smuggled.
Time to find a new candy store.
The most popular and well advertised store is DeBrand. The stores are simple to find, at the airport and in a stand alone store front on a main artery leading to the interstate.
It is beautiful chocolate presented and packaged similar to Godiva Chocolates.
I was hesitant because no prices were marked and I tentatively chose a 1/2 pound box to test the waters.
Holy S***! I was too embarrassed to cancel the order, so I paid it in stunned silence and left the store.
(Now I see why WHATZUP wouldn't want my observations! lol!!)
Sometime later I ran across Abby Browns Chocolate Shop. This little store front sits on another well traveled main drag in town. After I first noticed it, as Chocolate does have a habit of jumping from the clutter of the annoying barrage of advertisements that we become immune to, I knew I had to get in there and check it out.
It was worth the effort of figuring out where to park. (Right under the "for Library Patrons Only" sign)and marching into the intoxicating smell of thick dark chocolate. Here, on the shelves lining the walls, were simply wrapped boxes with price points clearly visible.
The lady behind the counter is the same lady every time I go in. The same lady I have long conversations with about this and that, this last time the Kentucky Derby where she advised me to go on line to pick my horse because the OTB parlor would be too packed for man or beast. ( is she ever right!!I ventured up there last year!).
I got several boxes of treats (my Mom and Aunt M.), a 1/4 pound of fudge (I am going to start that diet soon) and decided against my weakness, the Licorice Allsorts, because I am still a little sick from the last time I devoured a bag of them.
After my "You're a Mother" discount of 15%, less than $30.00
I'm going to miss Miss Abby.
Sorry the series of articles did not work out with that mis-guided paper, LOL. Amazing how those chocolate signs jump out from their surroundings and just grab you, isn't it? Abby Browns Chocolate Shop sounds like my kind of store!
what a darlin little store!
I love your writing style!
Maybe Miss Abby can start a chain and put a store close to where you move!
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