I glance over at the meter thinking it is getting close to my forth year of blogging and I'm correct...it's tomorrow. Since the debacle of November 2005 and the subsequent exodus of hundreds of AOL journalers, I have been doing most my blogging elsewhere and only occasionally returning "home".
A few days ago I decided to do some housekeeping in my "favorites" window. I began to delete so many old friends, old friends in the sense that I visited their blogs/journals on a regular basis.
Some names might be familiar...
Just One Girls Head Noise
Surrounded by Nincompoops
A Life in SloMotion
Journey to Peace
Brand New Day
A Pennies Worth
Hippies in Yuppieland
A Day in the life of Sheila P
What a Difference a Day Makes
Single Womans Guide to the Universe
Trickle of Semi-consciousness
Stories from my Ambulance
My Elegant Chaos
Life as I see it
Jukebox Woman
The Golden Child
Ahhhh....The good old days!
My other Blog is Just a Hippie Gypsy at Blogger!
I agree. The olden-golden days. I know all of those screen names and I know one or two who are still blogging elsewhere. I've recently done a similar clean out and while it makes perfect sense to me, afterall, they aren't here any more ... I hate to let go. Of old friends. Of new friends. Of friendly acquaintences.
I'm up on four years in October. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by and all that has transpired here in that period of time.
Happy Anniversary!
Oh, look at that list! Lots of amazing people.
And I miss those alerts! -- which got me here.
AOL did a REALLY MEAN thing.
I still miss the entries in One Girl's Head Noise. I still miss my almost daily entries I read in Random Rambling also. I think that time with AOL journals was so sad at the time and it still troubles me sometimes. So many people have cancelled AOL altogether now. I have been so happy for the return of IndigoSunMoon.
I had several of those on my alerts......where are you blogging at now?
Happy Anniversary Mary! So where are you blogging at now? I miss reading you here. I miss Pam too. How are things in Hoosier land? Anne
Mary -
Congrats on 4 years! (It'll be 3 for me in November). Where are you blogging now?
Housekeeping is necessary sometimes. Happy Anniversary!
I did the same thing a few weeks ago. Sad, isn't it? I really miss some of these people. A lot never made the move, they just faded away.
Some sure have just disappeared, but it's good to see you drop in now and then for a little chat :-)
Some of these guys pop up every once in awhile. I get a comment or two from Amy now and then, and Karen showed up a couple of weeks ago... And what is there to say about Pamela :`(
My fourth is coming up here in the next couple of days....and it's been a helluva ride, hasn't it? Thanks for being one of my first and faithful readers...
Lisa :-]
I know exactly what you mean. I miss so many of those people...especially Pam. I think about her from time to time. She was such a precious soul and I know I am not the only one who remembers her.
I've been offline for a while, but I'm back and I'm thrilled!
Happy 4th Anniversary. Time flies when your having fun. I'll be 4 yrs in November. I ned to do do some housecleaning as well. Dawn
Nov 2005 does kind of mark a 'before' and 'after', doesn't it... some of those journal up there were the very first ones I ever visited here, it makes me homesick :)
Imagine that! How time flies! My first journal entry was November 5, 2004. I found your journal here at "Surrounded by Nincompoops".
P.S. I'm further north than you...
I miss a lot of people...Walt from The Diatom Project maybe most of all
Happy Anniversay
Thanks for visiting my journal and your concern for me as always. Today is a transition day with it having been hot earlier and I managed about 4 hours sleep but got to sleep earlier at 4 a.m. instead of 7 a.m. as I had been for some time. It is clouding up and cooling down and my worker my not be coming by today but I don't remember if he told me on Saturday when we worker last what his plans were. After 2 years of sweat and pain the roof is in sight if when can really get some things done starting with some cooler weather tomorrow. I never know how much I will feel like doing depending on wether bending is too painful. The Sept. 13 spinal steroid lumbar epidural works on days when the weather does not cause my arthritis to flare up and I feel more energetic. My Orthopedic Surgeon does not want to do surgery until I am 'incapacitated' and wants me to stay with conservative treatment of the 4 maximum times/year steroid epidurals, and regular medication. If I did not need the space to live in so much I would be doing somewhat better by not having to endure this construction activity constantly. I want to paint in the style of Manet with the paint color and brushstokes bringing the viewers attention to the painting. I will have my upstairs room with the wonderful view and room for canvases that will be my reward for this work. Now I need to force myself to put on my work clothes and do some construction to further the project though I just want to lay down and read. I will be back to read the entries I missed in your journal. mark
Interesting how we go through and tidy our lists. I've kept some on my list (and others in a favorite folder) Just. In. Case.
I must be dreaming. :::sigh:::
Really enjoy reading Alphawoman's blog and was browsing some of your links to others ~ I was glued to the page reading "A Spiritual Journey" but the last entry was in 2005.... Do you know what happened? I am seriously curious. I'm not sure how this works exactly but if you know of another link or further info I'd appreciate an email. Thanks!
Mary Lou Milano: mewmom@meowmail.com
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