Wednesday, February 20, 2008



I am just so lame when it comes to my camera! I knew what I had to do to capture the Red Moon tonight and I choked, running around like a total idiot when it was 9pm. The tripod was broken and I was going to buy a new one today and then I heard on the radio it was suppose to be so overcast tonight in the Ohio Valley we would not be able to see it. Around 9pm (after Big Brother, how I dislike the HG's so far this season, but I say that every season) I checked the Moon and Great Balls of Fire (I also watched Gone with the Wind the other night) there was the Moon!!

I did get the obligatory red moon shot, but this one is so much more interesting. Because I did not have a tripod and I had just read how to get a long exposure with the D-50, I did it  hand held....(shaky lol )

It may be a mess, but it is much more interesting......


Anonymous said...

Perfect! I loved that description "The Red Moon Waltz"! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I have a similar view!  But I kind of like it.  You know?

Anonymous said...

It looks like fingers moving -- someone fluttering their fingers at you.  Great shot!

Anonymous said...

it kinda looks like intestines too.

Anonymous said...

It is a neat picture. At first I thought it was someone's finger pointing at the camera and wiggling.

All my pics of the eclipse sucked.


Anonymous said...

oooh, it's cool.  nice surprise. :)