The Book Store
Thank heavens for MapQuest which got me to a used bookstore in a small part of mid-town known as Cooper-Young area. Nestled among ethnic restaurants, yoga store fronts, palm readers and an Irish Pub was this jewel of a book store.
As I was diving into the book cart of $1.00 bargains a yuppie enters (are they still called yuppies?) and spreads his arms and exclaims, "I've died and gone to book heaven!" That made me smile. "I'll start with photography and then on to philosophy!" he stated to the hippie looking shaggy gray haired book shepherd.
I thought he might be nuts, but I understood the emotion.
I've always said I'd never live in a town without a used bookstore and a secondhand store. And we did, in fact, veto one potential move just for those reasons.
Just curious, what does your husband so? Do you get a job when you move to a new city?
I've always said I'd never live in a town without a used bookstore and a secondhand store. And we did, in fact, veto one potential move just for those reasons.
I think wherever you are finding that elusive book store always makes you feel at home. (Hugs) Indigo
i would understand that emotion too. Yes, still yuppies in this part of the woods, but I think, your man? not so yuppie after all. :)
I like the photo and the sign is great. Having painted many sign's and followed the rules of composition, layout, and read signpainting magazines, I can appreciate this artist's humor. I like historical and cultural material, therefore, I am a subscriber to those magazines now, and have forgotten about signpainting. My favorite is 'American Art Review'. I hope my description of literature is appropriate. mark
I would love to browse that store! IN my area there is ONE and it is fantastic but the prices are very steep. After searching for years I was able to find Khalil Gibran's book, Beloved Prophet. Nothing better than curling up in our chair and a half and reading something good. I have been buried in the Jodi Picoult books lately. There are books I had as a teen, purchased in 1971 that I would LOVE to have again...while I remember the cover (soft cover black and white) and parts of the poems the name of the author escapes me and I have lost touch with the friend who turned me onto them. One of them was about watermelon rinds. Ah....
the memories that we have so deeply buried.....
Enjoy that area!!!! Irish Pub huh? :)
I love stores like that, and you don't often find them anymore! I hope you made some great finds!
Hi! Remember me? I love this sign out front of the store--it looks like Lakeside, Ohio near Port Clinton, Ohio--so quaint--having been a lit major in college at Wayne State in Detroit back in the late 60's, early 70's, I really appreciate literature and reading--have a great week--keep the good pictures coming y'all! You do good work and it's appreciated by me in Toledo, Ohio!
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