Life has been very unsettling as of late. It is a fact that I am very laid back procrastinator. I avoid things until it becomes a do or die situation. I have a leisurely attitude about everything in life. A sense of urgency is a limited part of my physical being and psychological profile. I do things the slow and easy way.
This move is killing me! Everything is happening so very fast. I have had one realtor visit already and another on the way tomorrow. I cringe thinking what needs to be done to get this house whipped into shape for the market. This is torture for me. I am so out of my comfort zone that my head is spinning.
To continue with the company I am with now looks very uncertain. I was crying in the Human Resource office today. Not sobbing, just talking about how deeply I feel about this company. And the tears arrived. Not to fear, Poo-Poo's company has major heavy hitter relocation services. I already have a career consultant "on staff". I have finally found my resume which has been in the vault for seven years! I am totally freaking out.
So what do I do? I spent hours watching info commercials this past Sunday morning. I think they hypnotize you to walk zombie like to your computer and immediately order their life altering products!
The first arrived today and I have been playing like a little girl with my new make-up collection. Let me tell you all something! This stuff is FABULOUS! The amount of money I have spent on makeup in my life time is equal to the GNP of a small country. Honest. So I know my makeup. I don't wear much of it because once you reach a certain age it looks like you have painted your face! This stuff is absolutely knock out!
My POWER-90 has not arrived yet. Guaranteed to take me from Chunky Monkey to Hot Babe in 90 days. I can't wait!!!
**** Note to self: Avoid life altering info commercials while in life altering situation
I can sympathize with you. We are also relocating and we signed with a realtor today. I have spent the past two weeks decluttering the whole damn place only to have him tell us we have to declutter some more!! UGH!
Just three years ago I sold a house, assisted now husband in finding this house, negotiating everything. Had to lose half my stuff as it couldn't fit in this house. I was working a high stress job at the time and they refused to let me have ONE day off. I hired my sister-in-law to pack after I sorted through all my stuff. It was a nightmare but in the end it worked out. I was packing all night the night before the closing then had to go to work that day. Ironically, I got sick about six months later and when the company refused to let me take time off, I quit! I am now looking for another job now that I have recuperated. Good luck! Nelle
Oh Mary, I am sorry your feeling low today. Come on over and let me fix you a roasted chicken on my Ronco Showtime grill, then we both can have some chunky monkey ice cream from Ben and Jerry's. LOL Hang in there, this too shall pass. Anne
We moved so many times between 1992 and 2001 that I started to get used to the hassle. But it WAS a hassle all the same. So much moreso, I would imagine, for someone who hasn't had to do it in many years.
Hang in there, Mary! And make sure you find a new house big enough to hold all your new info-mercial finds! LOL! Lisa :-]
PS--I have seen the "bare minerals" stuff on QVC and thought it looked great. My only trouble is, powdered ANYTHING falls right off my face...I have oily skin and it just rejects powder. Let me know if you still like it in a couple of months. Lisa :-]
When I think about how much money I've spent on makeup, it's truly frightening. I'm getting to that face painting stage and I'm having to relearn everything, which means of course buying more stuff to make sure it's appropriate. For some reason, moisturizers and eye creams are getting a lot more attention. Your life will settle down. Transitioning where you live and your job, not to mention in the first year of being married, where's the stress in that? Hang in there.
LOL I am such an infomercial junky. I used to love watching home shopping channels too. *sigh* My shopaholic days... I hope you can sell your house quickly and with little pain.
I'm a lot like you in the sense that I too am a laid back procrastinator who avoids things until they become a do or die situation. Unfortunately, that's always when I'm most productive. You will get your house into shape when you absolutely have to. (Like I did.) Everything will be fine. Just keep taking deep breaths.
So sorry it has been rough...are you having to do everything by yourself? Jae
That bare minerals commercial is so convincing, I've been tempted to buy it myself, and I don't even wear're not helping me resist it, either, with your endorsement! It's time to BUY!
I hate fast things, and change. I'm with you there.
I can imagine how overwhelmed I would feel faced with a move. It must be hard to get motivated when it seems like an insurmountable job. Hang in there...
You certainly have a lot on your plate right now! No wonder you have chosen to disappear into the bliss promised by infomercials! When the move finally happens, you are going to be one gorgeous babe! :) Hang in there!
Good luck to you! The thought of moving always makes me freak out, although I know I have to do it one of these days.
I have never seen an infomercial. I must be the only person in the world who hasn't!
I am a stick in the mud Taurus and I can relate to your having difficulty with change. I tend to procrastinate too when I am faced with a situation I do not want to deal with. Right now, I am trying to sell my home of two decades and move to an apartment until the new one is built in October. Can I come over and play make-up, make-over with your new infomercial products? a fellow laid back procrastinator I feel your pain. Still, you know the dust will settle (eventually) and all this effort and stress will result in a new and exciting life for you both. In the meantime, there's always shopping...
I bought that makeup too! Just a few days ago, and just the foundation ~ they have it at the local beauty supply ~ and frankly I'm AMAZED. I didn't think it could possibly give me enough coverage (well, what, outside of surgery could, really?) but it seems to. And lightweight. And the right color! I hate to be too optimistic, but....yeah. YAY! :)
Too funny! I hope things go more smoothly for you. I know how stressful moving/relocating can be.
fear is the wrapping paper on your new gift!
once you get past it (and get into your new face and bod) there is your present!
I , too, find tomorrow a great labor saving device!
best of lluck to you... I can't wait to hear about your next adventure.
Sonny and I are right there with you - I dread the thought of us having to move because of it. I feel your pain!
Moving is one of the MAJOR stresses in life. Anyway i've read that studies show that type B personalities get just as much done as the type A's, they just stop along the way,smell the roses and enjoy it more.
hang in there!!:):):) judi
beautiful photo...hang in there okay...
"once you reach a certain age" I don't wear make-up, but I know the name o' that tune
Just don't buy anything from Joan Rivers or Ron Popiel ! Although I am loving my Rotisserie !
Mary, I hope that everything goes well for you!
Best wishes,
Beautiful Pic!
hehe what is power-90? i am on verge of buying some form of weight loss- metabolism booster. any suggestions>?
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