Wednesday, May 25, 2005


The Round Robin Photo Challenge

I am entering Carly's photo challenge! Mysterious Door.

I have driven by this mound for many years. It is located in a country cemetery very close to Russell Cave Road, an old country by way or pike as we like to call them in Kentucky. I have always been curious to its purpose. It looks like an Indian burial mound. In an ancient Baptist cemetery?

Last week, after years of driving past, I realized it had a door!

The possibilities this unleashed in my mind!! It looks like an old root cellar, but in a cemetery? It resembles what I have in my mind what Pooh's House would look like, if I happened to stumble across it.. Could even be a Hobbit House. Is it a earthen crypt? Are the tools of the trade kept down there?

One thing is very odd, there is a chain on the door making it a difficult endeavor to break into. In the middle of the night when few to no cars are out on the country road? I think not!

A very mysterious door.

The other entires are.....

Karen...Musings from Mavarin

Duane...Sotto Voce

Steven...Sometimes Photoblog

Betty...My Day My Interests

Amy...Substance or lack of

Dawn...Dawns Drivel

Kat...From Every Angle

Carly... Ellipsis



Anonymous said...

Oh Mary! :)

How completely cool is this? I am thinking all kinds of Stephen King possibilities here. LOL. I did a picture on my photo journal this past week I called, "The Moss Man Cometh," it looks like were he would live. WOW! Now I want to know...whats behind that door! Great picture sweetie...really impressive!

Always, Carly :)

Anonymous said...

What flights of immagination this door could launch!  It is strange, eerie, mysterious, and luring all at once.

Anonymous said...

OH man I need to know where this is and I would just have to look see very interesting pic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you could contact the church who owns the cemetery OR the county to find out who is responsible for the property if they could shed some light. It is intriguing and I would probably be compelled to explore further! Nelle

Anonymous said...

psssst...(Don't tell Geraldo Rivera!) The picture is gorgeous!  E

Anonymous said...

I love your comparison of it being Pooh's house!  It's definitely got my curiosity peaked.  Pamela

Anonymous said...

In the middle of a cemetery?  My imagination is doing backsprings!

Anonymous said...

What a cool find!  JAE

Anonymous said...

wonderful picture.....and spooky at the same time!   Anne

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you find out. My neighbors behind me have one, too. It's a mound with a door on it. I think I was told it's either a root cellar (their house has no basement) or their water pump is in there. The rest of us have city water, but that house has been there forever. I'd go take a picture of it, but their rottweiler might not like it, and he is never on a leash. If I get a chance, I will. They decorated it up a few years ago. It used to be pretty, just stones on a mound with a door like that.


Anonymous said...

How odd and mysterious! I think I would be SO curious I would need to call whomever caretakes the cemetery to ask. LOL

Anonymous said...

VERY interesting picture.  I vote for Hobbit Home.  This is my first visit to your journal, and I'm putting you on my favorites list.  I've been enjoying reading your recent entries.  What part of Kentucky are you in?  I'm from Breckinridge County.  Email me if you'd like.  I'd like to talk to a fellow Kentuckian.  

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed that is a mysterious door, but you wouldn't catch me out there late at night trying to break in to see what's in it, that would ruin the whole "mysterious Door thing-a-ma-jig for me.


Anonymous said...

Wow!  It's like a barrow!  Watch out for barrow-wights!  But yeah, I'm guessing it's an earthen crypt. Cool! - Karen

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's probably a hobbit hole.  A very poor hobbit family though, maybe the Tooks, probably live there.  You'd never catch Bilbo Baggins in such a disreputable hole.
Great entry, great door.  Very good interpretation of the theme.  

Anonymous said...

ooooo wow.
that IS mysterious.
I would most certainly be
opening this door.
hmmm, in a cemetary?
in Kentucky?
crazy wierd!
it makes me crazy curious....
great job!!

Anonymous said...

I think this door is the MOST mysterious of them all.  The fact that it's in a cemetary.....wooooo.....spooky!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture!  So many possibilities... it DOES look like a Hobbit dwelling, or perhaps a doorway to a fairy hill ... but there's this persistant creepy idea that maybe it leads to a hallway connecting the graves?  ::shudders::  Alright...  happy thoughts needed here....hobbit house, hobbit house, hobbit house...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking hobbit home too!
Might be cold war bomb shelter or maybe an entrance to a cave.
Love the green grass!

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Kat's entry... which reminded me of the tornado shelter Dorothy was locked out of before the tornado hit that carried her off to OZ. But I like your musings of this being a Hobbit home, though not enough windows for any respectable Hobbit.

Alas my entry is late due to a quirky FTP site but here is none-the-less. I linked your entry in mine and hope many will come over to pursue this wonderful journal. Here is my entry if you would like to see what I've done with Carly's challenge.

Anonymous said...

Wow that has my mind a wandering too! Some cemetaries are built next to a church and some churches have rectories nearby. Perhaps it is a root cellar for the rectory??? Either way, I love your pictures. The vivid green makes me want to roll in the grass. :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

I was thinking a tornado shelter until I learned WHERE it was located.  Mmmm, really has you wondering!


Anonymous said...

If it is in a cemetary I don't think I would want to know what is in there, lol! -Krissy

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE a mystery!! xox

Anonymous said...

I always like the pictures you put in your Journal entries. They are always interesting and thought provoking. As for the mound with the door. Maybe a tornado shelter? Hah, or maybe a really big modern rabbit warren. My Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

OH, Hobbit Hole! Hobbit Hole!  Most assuredly.

Unless...maybe it's a wine cellar.  Oh, sure ~ they were teetotalers in LIFE, but even Baptists get to party in heaven, right?  No?'s the secret fine wine stash of a renegade Baptist, who doesn't want his wife to know.  C'mon ~ let's go see... ;D

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...
It looks just like a hobbit hole...
I have to see this!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a Hobbit hole!!  The Tooks?

Anonymous said...

oh that is so cool!
