Saturday, August 27, 2005

Interesting Week


I have been to Indianapolis and Detroit in the same week! On the way to Detroit, about 60 miles east we ran across two orchards! Hurray! An easy morning trip to Ohio. Also, discovered a beautiful lake area that appears very un-commercialized! That will be a day trip!

The Indianapolis interview was encouraging. The food service industry is very much like the beverage industry. Only, it seems a whole lot more money is to be made because you are neither given a car nor an allowance. That sucks in one way, but it enables them to encourage you to make as much money as you can with no ceilings!

The interview itself was same old same old.  Tell us about yourself...What did you like most about your last job? Etc. Etc. Etc.

He did throw me a curve ball. "Tell me the funniest thing that has happened to you." I just began laughing as I pictured myself falling infront of the oncoming traffic in Newport Ky this spring when I was perfectly sober having given up the juice for Lent. But I thought that would be too long....and perhaps he wouldn't see the humor in me giving up alcohol.

So I told him another story. One day Art and I were traveling together and I was telling him about Joe getting a new motorcycle.

"What kind is it?" He asked

"A Cock Rocker"  I replied.  I meant to say a Crotch Rocket.

He and I were laughing so hard I had to pull over. Tears were rolling down our faces.

Whenever Art sees Joe he asks, "How's that Cock Rocker?"


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! A cock rocker... Do not get me started. I am a Catholic who repressed sexuality for so long, I find sexual innuendos where there is none...

Anonymous said...

Crotch rocket...cock rocker...they both work. LOL

Anonymous said...

well no wonder you got tongue tied. YOu have been so many places. But that was pretty funny

Anonymous said...

OMGosh!!!  What a slip of the tongue!!!  JAE

Anonymous said...

    That's funny.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder where they come up with these interview questions. I just hate it when they ask "Where do you see yourself five years from now?" I am always tempted to say "In an asylum." It's all a twisted game! My husband gave up beer for Lent, I am still in awe.

Anonymous said...

Whenever Art sees Joe he asks, "How's that Cock Rocker?"
OMG how funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You were near me and didn't let me know you were coming?
Good luck with the interview!

Anonymous said...

LOL!  A Freudian slip if ever I've heard one!


Anonymous said...

That is hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG what a funny mistake of a joke.  I do believe that would pass the censors on a late night David Letterman show.  Perhaps you should contact Dave.  lol   Hope you get a job that will "keep your motor runnin, headed down the highway, looking for adventure, whatever comes our way..............Born to be Wild, Born ..........."  I'll shut up.     Really, I hope your  search is productive.        mark

Anonymous said...

LOL! I was wondering where you got the term Cock Rocker! LOL! I'm not sure I would have told that story though. Some people can be such prudes, yah know. Good luck with job hunt. I'm sure you will do great! :-) ----Robbie

Anonymous said...

No wonder men are so attracted to motorcycles...  Lisa  :-]