All good things must end? This is the beginning of the third week of non-work. I can admit wholeheartedly that I have loved every minute of it. I did stress a little about the money, because I had no idea I was going to do it when I did..resign. So I was ill prepared with the funds. Yet, if I was going to wait until I was financially ready to do it, it never would have happened.
So now I am beginning the process of finding another job. I had my first interview yesterday with an insurance company. I was so at ease I could not believe this was me. At ease and unprepared! He asked me what I wanted to do, after I admitted to him I was clueless about the job description for which I had applied. "Sales Manager". Okay, that's cool. "Have you ever managed anyone before?"
I should have been prepared for this question. I said no when in actuality, I have! At the ZZZ in Houston, I was the AM front desk manager! I had a whole staff that I got to boss around. At XYZ, I had Elaine who was my assistant. I got to boss her around too, thought I loved her dearly and she was my good friend. While working for ABC, I actually managed all the branch offices across central Ky and So. Ohio. I trained them and was responsible for their performance. What was I thinking when I said, "No."
He asked me what I was looking for. continue with a sales job. Because I love the competition, the feeling of closing the deal, and I just like people and the freedom that comes with sales.
What I would like is to find a sales position that pays extremely well, and has structure to it. Then he asked about XXX not finding a place for me (a valuable employee) after seven years. I told him that I was strongly encouraged to apply for a position in Ft. Wayne (sometimes it is very difficult to explain XXX to outsiders. And sometimes I just take for granted outsiders understand the structure of XXX)but that I felt I could do better than a X0,000 a yr, a car and a X0,000 bonus.
And as I said it, I realized I believed it!
Today I go to Indianapolis for a meeting tomorrow with a Food distributor.
I think that I am in a position for the first time in my life that I will not have to take a job out of desperation. I will be able to find the one with the best fit.
Good luck to you! Honestly, it's best if you don't stay out of work too long.What happened to me was I quit my stressful job but within a few months was having so much trouble breathing I began to pursue that and ended up having two major procedures on my heart. After the last I was unable to work for a year. Started my part time job on Monday and it's going well. I go in today for day 2 and I take computer classes one day a week to enhance my skills. I think any company would be fortunate to have you with your enthusiasm. Happy hunting! Nelle
Yes you will! You go girl. The perfect job is right around the corner. Pamela
You've got the skills and now go get PAID for it! But take a breath and think about your interview questions before you reply. LOL!
Great attitude, Mary! Waiting for the right job is like waiting for Mr. Right and not settling for Mr. Right Now. Hugs and prayers for your job search...
Practice your questions and answers, lol. Enjoy your free time, as it will all end soon enough. With your experience and personality, you will be working again all too soon.
Good luck with the job interview(s) and it must feel nice to know you'll be able to find a job with the best fit! Congrats on being the guest editor! I enjoyed chatting with you on Sunday at the anniversary chat/party.
P.S. I just finished drooling over those peaches in one of your entries. They looked real enough to reach out and grab one!
God, Mary, I wouldn't be you right now for all the tea in China. I HATE DOING JOB INTERVIEWS!!!!!! I would sooner walk barefoot over red-hot coals than go through that again. Luckily, you are not me, and you seem to be looking forward to the whole process. That should make it much easier. Good luck! Lisa :-]
Well, I wish you the best on your job-seeking. I'm unemployed so I can understand how you feel.
Good luck in Indy, if it's what you want. You're right -- knowing you have the freedom to say "no" makes the interview hell a lot easier.
And don't forget to wave as you go by!
~~ jennifer
The Saw Docs may be looking for a roadie. How are you at tuning guitars and working a soundboard? It doesn't pay much, but you get free Guinness a groupie named Pegeen.
Aw babe...I hope you find that absolute
perfect job!!! Good luck!!
what a wonderful feeling to be abel to hold out for what you want...getting older has advantages,doesnt' it?
I sincerely wish you the best
Wishing you the best on your search and finding something much better than the one you left. mark
good luck on your time remember YOU MANAGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! LOL awe don't feel bad I'd probably forget my kids names on an interview.
Don't give up hope. Good luck, something good will come along.
Alpha Woman, you seem to exude the necessariy confidence and poise to land the job of your dreams. Sounds like you've taken a big step of faith here. I am doing the same thing on a smaller scale. Can't afford to quite job yet as mine is the only income (single parent), but I am trying to explore more options with my writing. Blessings, Alpha from
The right thing WILL come along. Your confidence and your experience will get you anywhere you want to go.
a window of opportunity here~
Best of will open the right door now that you know what you are looking for~
Wishing you health, happiness and laughter.
It sounds like you are rejuvenated and will be able to make a better choice in jobs than last time! You must not have really wanted that job after all. You'll have a fantastic interview when the right job comes around!
Good luck! You sound very peaceful about this.
You sound great and very relaxed (in a good way) in your interviews. I know you're going to find something great...
Good luck with the job search and keep us posted!
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