Wednesday, November 9, 2005


(The airport at Merida waiting to board the plane....why I never let Joe take pictures with my camera)

There is absolutely nothing as shocking as seeing yourself on television.  I was ill prepared for it. That is the reason it has taken me almost two weeks to even come up with some type of entry about it.

When we were trying to get out of Mexico, Joe thought it would be a good idea to call our friend in Ft. Wayne, who is connected to the local media mob, to help us. We suggested she call CNN, MSNBC, or even the CIA! She called a radio station who interviewed Joe that afternoon via the infamous cell phone! I'm certain that the "greased wheels" had more to do with us getting out that night than his radio interview.

Upon arrival home, the television station contacted me and I agreed to an interview. Somewhere in my naive view of the world, I thought they would interview me and show some of the pictures from my digital camera. I thought this because I told them I did not want to be on TV.

They arrived with a camera, I should have had a clue I was in trouble.

I wanted to go fix my hair, change clothes, put on make up. They said, "We want you to look like you just survived a hurricane." They also had a dead line.

When I was aired on the 5 o'clock news.....I was struck dumb. And I was struck deaf. I only heard one thing....that southern twang. Slow and ......oh my God! What a southern accent.

Then it was my bad side. My scar, that I have had since childhood when I tumbled down the concrete stairs at age two was so evident that I could barely see anything else! Except the bags under my eyes. My eyes! My eyes!

I need an eye job!

I had my hair pulled up in a pony tail on top of my head. I looked like a mountain woman from the hills of Kentucky.

I did not hear once word I said. I was in such shock.

Word of advice...never ever go on television without makeup and your hair done.

I shall never recover.


Anonymous said...

I am sure only you saw yourself as you thought.   It must take practice and experience to put on a public persona.   Most of us would feel exactly the same as you about seeing themself.   When staying at Isla Mujeres over 30 years ago I had to be brought to the island's hospital and was diagonosed as having amebic disintery  (spelling?).  I was given an injection with the biggest most painful needle ever.  We then took the train thru the jungle to Mexico City.   mark

Anonymous said...

OMG I hope you recover!  We need yu and your words here.  LOL  Actually, I kinda like the picture you posted.  It shows that you're just like the rest of us when we're caught unprepared.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

When I was in Mexico I put my hair up too because it was hot. All I noticed was a burn on your checks. I think you look just fine, considering what you went through!


Anonymous said...

We're our own harshest critics when judging ourseves in photos,in video or on audio.  I'm sure it wasn't remotely as bad as you think it was! - Karen

Anonymous said...

Now you know why TV personalities have their make up and hair retouched during station breaks and comercials. LOL, You had just survived a hurricane!

Anonymous said...

ah i prefer to take pics myself too with the timer!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My GOD!   I would have just died!  When they do the movie, who do you want to play your part?         Anne

Anonymous said...

I have seen myself on tv exactly twice, and had much the same reaction that you had.  I have decided I have to be the most unphotogenic human being on the face of the planet.  Are you in line for second place?  LOL!  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

lol very cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mary!  My sympathies.  I can barely stand to look at myself in the mirror without makeup (denial is a good, good thing when I head out the door barefaced), and I can't even imagine the horror of seeing myself on TV barefaced and tired.

Anonymous said...

Awww.  Any chance we can get a copy of that news clip?  Maybe upload it onto your journal?  That picture up there is absolutely adorable.  I'm thinking sidebar!  :D

Anonymous said...

I think you look cute and very natural.....also glad you made it home OK.....Ally

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are the only one who thinks you looked bad on TV.  I'd love to see the interview.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you were adorable! Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

Okay now, exactly WHICH Ft. Wayne station interviewed you?  < frantically searching archives >  LOL  You know we all would LOVE to see it.  Remember, though, the camera does absolutely horrid things to us, you know, like adding 75 pounds and all that.  Still cameras do that too.  Cameras = mean.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly DO look like you just survived a hurricane. LOL

Anonymous said...

*giggle!* *snort*  Sorry Mary...but this is funny!  You poor thing!  News cameras are so HARSH too. That lighting...the wonky camera angles they use for dramatic effect...  Sorry your 15 minutes had to be "au naturel". ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think you look damn good for someone who had just survived a hurricane! Are your cheeks always that rosey? You should see me right after having my surgery I looked like a corpse propped up on a sofa! Unfortunately those pictures got destroyed. :) I was never vain but I just don't want to appear old. LOL

Anonymous said...

I want to feel sorry for you, but the way you wrote it is hilarious!  Poor thing...I know a great therapist!  JAE

Anonymous said...

    Yes, you will get over this. And believe it or not, you will go on another trip. And you will survive that, too, and hopefully without a catagory 5 hurricane in your future.

Anonymous said...

You're starting to sound like me - - being your own worst enemy! By the way, southern accents are sexy (unless you happen to be Truman Capote.....)     Jon

Anonymous said...

"Then it was my bad side. My scar, that I have had since childhood when I tumbled down the concrete stairs at age two was so evident that I could barely see anything else! Except the bags under my eyes. My eyes! My eyes!

I need an eye job!

I had my hair pulled up in a pony tail on top of my head. I looked like a mountain woman from the hills of Kentucky."

I am soooo turned on right now.

Anonymous said...

oh honey....

mountain woman do not know HOW to properly use the word SHALL....


Anonymous said...

Oh Ellie May, I feel your pain!  

And I will heed your advice ~ when the TV people come calling (and you know they will...they'll come for all of us eventually) I intend to employ a team of cosmetic professionals, including surgeons, to deceive the cameras and assuage my vanity.  If it's good enough for Diane Sawyer, it's good enough for me.

For the record, I think you look adorable.  :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't need to recover Mary. You're beautiful! :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Great!

Anonymous said...

What an ordeal you've been through!  I'm glad you and Joe made it home safely, and I hope someday, you will look back at this news interview and laugh!

Anonymous said...

When we went to Midnight Madness this year (or, Big Blue Madness! as they've renamed it...), we knew our tickets were good but we didn't realize how good - they were second row from the floor, midcourt.  Awesome tickets!  Unfortunately, we were sitting right behind the ESPN guys...I kept seeing us on these different clips on national television after we got home and, besides my frizzy hair and glasses, all I could see was that I REALLY need to lose weight...ugh!  I still shudder to think about it...

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the whole story!