I have taken three days off from the grind to play around the house etc. etc. and the project today was the Christmas card list. This is the year to send them out. I tend to alternate with a send year, a no-send year. I purchased these cards at the KY Horse Park Gift Shop last year after the season, so this year is a go.
I do not want to return to work. I am going to play the lottery tonight and see if maybe I can get lucky. I love my job, most the time. But....a big but...I have become discontent. I need challenge, and this job does not offer that. I realize I suffer a little from SADD, lack of being able to run in the evenings because of the short days. It happens every year. I should expect it. I gain weight, I am weary.
Then its spring and all is well again.
We booked a cruise for mid January. Something to look forward to. Also, I want to look into taking some type of Master Gardener class...not that I am all that, but I think it would be fun. I need to exercise my mind as it has a tendency to become lazy along with the body during the winter months.
A Cruise! [sigh]
Beautiful card.
Have you ever looked into special lighting to combat the SADD? I try and get natural sunshine on my face first thing in the morning. Ten minutes is recomended. That helps me (or at least I believe it does).
Where are you going on your cruise?
Usually, I'm so busy with Christmas stuff that I don't get SADD until the end of January or so. We're so far north, we're down to less than nine hours of daylight by solstice. And then it rains so much, some days it NEVER seems to achieve daylight. So I can identify with you! Lisa :-]
A cruise ... can I sneak on board in your luggage? Please, please, please!!! You should check out Ship to shore journal by Imapcjunky. Have fun and be sure to write a travel report when you get back! Now I'm soundling like a teaching assigning a travel report!!!
Smilin Mon
Very nice card, need to get going on mine... And I LOVE cruises. I've gone on 2 of them in the past 5 years.
I also suffer from SAD. I use one of those special lights. It is great! You should check into it. I just use it in the winter months.
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