Everything is in full swing for the holidays. Last night was the Company Christmas party, tonight was the gift exchange and dinner at Joe's side of the family. The four gatherings have been reduced to three! Thank goodness. All the shopping is almost done...only several items that can be easily picked up. The bourbon balls were more like Bourbon flats...but they were still very good.
There is a little voice in the back of my head that is becoming louder and not so easily ignored. I have made one donation to a childrens charity this past week, and God knows my daughter is a charity also, but I still feel I am missing something. Or missing out on something.
I know what it is I want to do. I am really good at thinking about doing things but have no action plan. Maybe that would be the greatest Christmas gift I could ever give, to give back somehow, someway.
Go to my journal for my experience last night.. Lisa :-]
hey glad you got them reduced. now i always have that feeling like i am missing something..john
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