Yesterday I went to the Sharker Village in Mercer Co. to check out their Gift Shop. I have so many people to buy for, four Christmas celebrations! Its crazy, this "blended" family existence I live.
Anyway, the Shakers, hard working people. The way they did things is still demonstrated at this quaint village set close to the Kentucky River. Everything except that.....ever wonder why there are no longer any Shakers.....?
Um yeah, celibacy doesn't create future villages! Hey, at least they never had many people to buy for.
Thanks to SloMo, I found your journal, as you don't have a link on your profile. I haven't read your journal yet, but plan too when this caos goes away! I love the Shaker style furniture, so simple, so beautiful. I'll be back with bells on :) I hope you don't mind that I add your link on my journal so that I can visit often. Thanks :)
There are no Shakers because nobody shakes or quakes (Quakers) before God Almighty anymore. But there are Mennonites and they make the best damn bread pudding with lemon sauce I've ever tasted.
i love everything shaker. when i lived in new england i loved to visit the shaker museums there, there were still two very old women shakers living in Canterbury N.H. at that time. i think they have since died. what beauty in simplicity, how sad their rules led to their logical end. is this the shaker village that takes overnight guests? i have read there is one, and think this is it. could you email me more info?
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