Before I begin a list of things I would like to accomplish in 2004, I like to look back on the ending year .....
January I decided to take skiing lessons. Big mistake. Once you are middle aged, you are afraid of getting hurt. Zooming down an ice covered hill out of control in sub freezing weather, covered in layers of clothing while sweating, swinging the poles wildly is not fun! Plus, I fell and hyper-extended my thumb. Took months to heal.
February, the devastating ice storm to central Kentucky which brought us to our knees.
March was my first cruise to the Bahamas.
April saw the the Triple Crown of Running in Louisville where I competed and completed the 10K, 10 miler, and then the mini marathon.
May brought the annual Slither in German town...which is the night before the Kentucky Derby, hosted by my brother in law, Daniel. About 60 to 80 of his friends and family walk to as many bars as humanly possible in the Germantown area of Louisville....I'm certain I will compose an entry about this "happening".
June...the Lake. Every year my family has a long week end at my other brother in law's (Karl) family lakehouse on TVA Lake Norris in Tenn....the greatest time.
July...Bluegrass 10,000 another 10K. Bluegrass Fair, work is crazy. Had the worst case of Posion Ivy ever in the history of mankind.
August still crazy at work, Bridget's Birthday. The dreaded and expected August 3rd alert.
September, going to elope in Tenn but my Dad is admitted to hospital with congestive heart failure. He recovers, elopement put on back burner.
October...fall in love with AOL-journals.
November - December means family and remembering. Had the worst case of swollen lips in the history of mankind.
One last thing...matched one number on the Powerball game! The Powerball! Win $3.00.
I didnt know you were a runner. WOw great. I ski myself and yes I do get injured. But I also bungee jump, parachute and run every day. For the past 5 years I get up and run 2-3 miles a day and on Saturday try to put in 5. The bad thing is I havent quit smoking. Everyone thinks I am nuts. I may be john
Well, you got your share (lottery.) My husband bought $25 worth of tickets for the Powerball drawing last Wed. and we didn't win a sou. God, how I'd LOVE to have that money! Happy New Year Mary! Lisa :-]
My sweet one...I will be wishing you a New Year filled with dreams that come true in gentle, surprizing ways...all good and soft wishes. Always,
Carly :)
Oh yes, I just HAD to come read your journal entry before Sonny takes me to the mt to learn how to ski!!! Now, I'm going to be looking for MORE excuses not to learn!!!
Hopefully 2004 will bring even more adventures in your life.
Mary, thanks for the comment. I just came in from running and the first thing I did was light up a cigarette. john
Wow Mary, what a year! <not to self, don't take up skiing>, <don't live in Kentucky> LOL. Have a wonderful New Brighter Year :)
Sounds like you had a busy year! I give you a lot of credit for skiing. I'm scared to even try it:)
Sounds like you had a pretty good year. I have a hard time remember what happened last week let alone a year ago. Hope your 2004 is wonderful.
Whoa! What a year. I don't think my year-end review would be nearly so interesting, considering every minute of every day and every day of every month is consumed by my baby, Parker. =) Hope 2004 is amazing for you.
This made me try to think through my year and I didn't do all that well. Scarey! I have to say though - I love skiing, and DID NOT learn as a kid. I'm finally feeling somewhat competent but still very VERY cautious. It's amazing when you're out there how some people FLY by. And riding the lift is just awesome.
Wow! What a year. You were a busy person! : )
What a great year. You've inspired me to write a list of my own.
Happy New Year!
I couldn't write a list of my year in review.. I can't remember what I did last week let alone 12 months ago!!! LOL
Great journal!!
Have A Happy New Year !!!! Lanny
Mmmh I might imitate this great idea. Yours, however, sounds much more eventful! I've always wanted to learn how to ski - but I'm with you, afraid much more easily now. Maybe I should take up underwater basketweaving instead. :-)
Happy New Year!!!
Keep up your journal in 2004. GVP
I like the idea of reflecting on the past year, rather than just barrelling into what you hope will happen in the coming year. It's good to stop and appreciate all that DID happen for you. Sounds like you had a good one too, despite the thumb incident, and the storm, and the poison ivy, and dad's illness, and cancelled elopement, and swollen lips.
But hey, at least you won the lottery!! WOOHOO! ::smirk:: tehehe...
I love how popular you've gotten! And I know why, too~ you are such a sweet and special person. Thank you for the thoughtful email today~ It made me want to hug my monitor. October was a very good month. We got to fall in love with you, too.
If I'm comin' for the Derby, I'm comin' for the Slither, too!
Hi Alphawoman, I just discovered your journal after you left a note on one of my journal photos and have enjoyed reading it. My mother was born in Kentucky and I spent many wonderful holidays and summers at my grandparents' farm there. Your journal brings back memories. Look forward to reading you regularly.
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