Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pardon Me Boys, Is That the Chattanooga Choo-Choo?

It's been asked in which industry my Hubs works that entails such drastic transferring. Why it's the dern Rail Road. He worked for a Class I company for over 30 years when they computerized his job and he was forced to go into management! That is how we at first ended up in Cincinnati in a 'hold over" job until he was hired on in FW (the town who's name must be whispered). We were there for approximately two years. He then transferred to Louisville to be closer to family. My father was gravely ill and we were acquiring Grand children.

But, he hated the Louisville job. He worked over 60 hours a week. At times he would cover a job for someone else so that they could have a day off! At one time he worked 14+ hour days for 12 days straight. I have never seen someone so unhappy before in my life.

So, he interviewed with a much smaller Class II carrier and now runs the show in the Memphis area. He works 40 hours and has week ends off! Yea!! And he is the boss!

I love my house in the Louisville area and leaving my family, a third move in three years, is not something I am thinking about at the moment. We have leased an apartment here and will take six months to figure out what we are going to do.

One day at a time.

It looks like I will have to find a job. I certainly have enjoyed this year of not working, though I am tired of the question, "What do you do all day?" I do a lot! I know that I will take to retirement when it comes like a duck to water.

In the meantime, I need to find a job.



Anonymous said...

Ugh.  There is nothing in the world I'd rather NOT do than job hunt.  That's why I own my own business.  Good luck.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of having your own business? I could really see you in a vintage book/record shop.......even on the internet perhaps??? You know so many great places to find things. Many people I know are buying and reselling things.
Although I love my steady paycheck I don't love my new schedule of ten hour days.....although I love having three days off and one on a weekday. Keep us posted about your search.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just read the comment before mine, and I have to second that notion.  I could see you doing something like that!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get your house sold and get into a new one soon.  And I hope that you guys take to Memphis and vice versa! lol  