Monday, July 7, 2008

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

As you may know, I have to get back into the working world. It is no longer possible for me to stay a Kept Woman. The jig is up! It is time. This morning I began in ernest picking up the telephone to campaign  an interview with my Old Company in a new position. A position that has been posted since March. Why? Not certain but it seems no one wants it. It's too hard. Shoot, I'll give it a shot, just give me an interview!

So, I'm on the phone calling everyone I know zooming in on someone and giving him a chance to contact me before I have to go to the Big Guns, my first boss who is now some sort of major player this side of the Mississippi.

Gosh, I hate having to go back to work, but that is life. While reading the Career Search section of the newspaper today I gobbled up the article about being thrown into the job market "at at certain age" and competing with all those young whipper snappers just graduated from college, all dewy eyed and full of vim and vigor. All your experience and wisdom does not add up to a hill of beans sometimes if you appear "out of date".

So, I went and had all my hair cut off!! What I have wanted to do for years. And I do mean years! I went to my friend, the Internet, and asked it (Mirror mirror on the wall....) "Louisville Best Of...." and sure enough I found last years list which included  hair salons. That is how I found him. He could fit me in at 230pm today. The place was on the hip Bardstown road and I was taken back when I entered and the place was empty. He made his entrance about five minutes later and I just loved him right away! He did not sing me Herman Hermits like my hairdresser in FW (the name that must be whispered) but he said something that convinced me I was in the right place. When I mentioned this fabulous hair dresser I had in the 1980's whose middle name is Magic I was pleased to hear that many of Mr. Magic's customers were now Mr. New Guy's customers. I closed my eyes and let him work.

When I openemy eyes, my hair was magnificent! Stunning! And I love it!

The visitation and funeral was totally overwhelming. I can not imagine the turn out if it had not been a Holiday Week-end.

Funny story. My SIL lives way out in the country in a gorgeous house, very secluded and vulnerable if anyone got ideas to "visit" while she was in town. So, her sister house sat that evening.

As SIL was preparing to leave she went back and pulled out a small 22 gun and tried to hand it to "Sissy". Sissy refused it and waved it away.

"Sis, you may need it. You never know." and she thrust it at her again and once again she shook her head no and pushed the gun away.

"I would feel so much better if you took it!" my SIL pleaded.

Sis reaches into her purse and pulls out a 38 and lays it  on the table, close at hand.

Sis was packing.




Anonymous said...

Ah, the magic of a good hair 'do'?  or style.  Good for you.
A little humor goes a long way, although the occasion was sad, I chortled out loud at the two Sis-es.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful what a good hair cut can do to boast the moral ~  Loved the tale of the guns :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

what a pistol packing family!
Short hair is a big step...glad you like it
I need to read back and see who died.
I'm so sorry

Anonymous said...

Okay, that was my first laugh-out-loud read of the day!  THANK YOU!! I can't wait to tell Thomas that story.
I'd love to see your haircut.  Hope you get the job you want.  Sorry you have to go back to work, though.

Anonymous said...

I got a chuckle out of the story of the guns. I had my hair very short, pixie short for close to three years. I just started growing it back out for a change of pace. I'm not sure how long I'll let it get this time around. You miss it after awhile. Sorry to hear the Job force is calling to you again. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

THAT was an eye opener!  Anne

Anonymous said...

    Funny story. Congrats on the new do. It's amazing what a change like that will do for someone's outlook. And good luck with job hunting.